Posts Tagged ‘Ashkelon’

Palestinians Do What They Do Best: Firing Rockets At Israeli Civilians

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before, but Palestinians are reigning raining down terror rockets on Israel from Gaza, and Israel is pounding the snot out of Hamas military targets in Gaza in retaliation. “Over 700 rockets fired at Israel since Monday.” “As of early Wednesday morning, three Israeli women were killed in rocket attacks, with 46 injured.”

Did you know that Gaza doesn’t have bomb shelters?

So: Same old same old. Except that last year, these attacks actually became rare. There were 90 rockets fired in February of 2020, and then only 43 for the entire rest of the year. Funny how things settled down shortly after we dirtnapped Iranian terrorist mastermind Qassem Suleimani. It may also have had something to do with the Trump Administration’s successful pursuit of the Abraham Accords (with multiple Middle Eastern nations finally making peace with Israel), and even more with their political and economic isolation of Hamas sponsor Iran. But now that Democrats are back in the White House, economic sanctions on Iran have been eased and suddenly things are getting all sploady in Ashkelon again.

Middle East Peace, Biden Style

The success of the Abraham Accords was a deep affront to the grandees of the Democratic Party’s foreign policy establishment. Democrats evidently want to be champions of Palestinian victimhood far more than they actually want peace in the Middle East. That, or the very idea of Trump foreign policy successes were simply unbearable to them. Or maybe the Abraham Accords simply weren’t profitable for them. Have we ever had any sort of accounting where all those pallets of money Obama sent to Iran for the nuclear deal ultimately ended up?

Somehow, somewhere deep within the bowels of Foggy Bottom, a Democratic Party functionary must hear the broadcast reports of sirens going off in Jerusalem and think to himself “Ah, finally all is right with the world again!”