Posts Tagged ‘Bruce “The Boss” Brooks’

Joe Biden Video Roundup

Saturday, October 24th, 2020

Enjoy this curated display of locally-sourced, artisanally-crafted, hand-picked videos made from only the finest free-range, sustainable electrons.

Some debate coverage, some satire and parody.

  • Australian news analyses the debate:

  • “Come on” Supercut:

    It’s like he heard the phrase sometime in the 70s and went “That’s the sort of phrase that makes me sound like a regular guy! I should use that in every speech, debate and interview for the rest of my life!”

  • Joe Biden’s lies on Hunter Biden:

  • Weekend at Biden’s:

    (Hat tip: Adam Baldwin)

  • Inside Twitter censoring the Hunter Biden videos:

  • Finally, I have no idea who Bruce “The Boss” Brooks is, but whoever he is, he makes a calm, reasoned presentation on why he, as a black man, can’t vote for Biden.

    “People are saying ‘Hey, I’m black. My community sucks. It’s falling apart.” It’s being run by nothing but Democrats, by the way. There are no Republicans in a lot of these cities at any level of government…They keep getting played when they put the Democrats first, and the Democrats put them last.”