Posts Tagged ‘mRNA’

The Case of the Disappearing Doctor

Thursday, December 30th, 2021

What does it tell you about the Democratic Media Complex’s “Official Covid Narrative” that mRNA technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone has been banned from Twitter?

After months of providing valuable Covid-19 information that runs counter to the official narrative, Twitter has finally banned Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology.

Malone, who will appear on the Joe Rogan show Thursday according to associate Ed Dowd (one of four contributors to the Malone doctrine), had more than 520,000 followers. He has been an outspoken critic of both mRNA vaccines, as well as the abysmal failures of policymakers worldwide in responding to the pandemic.

He was not warned or provided an opportunity to delete any offending tweets – instead he was “just suspended,” Dowd continued.

Here’s Malone’s last tweet – sharing an article which claims that the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine does ‘more harm than good.’

Boy, sure seems like criticizing Pfizer or The Holy Coronavirus Narrative is one of the fastest ways to get banned these days, despite the fact that same narrative is visibly falling apart before our eyes. Also might suspicious how they banned him right before he went on Rogan. Makes you wonder what they’re trying to hide.

Maybe this:


Some more tweets:

(And yes, I’m still working on that giant “Lots of the official Flu Manchu Narrative seems to be wrong” roundup post. There’s just so many links to wrangle…)