Posts Tagged ‘Neil Ferguson’

One Rule For Them, Another For You

Sunday, August 22nd, 2021

One thing Flu Manchu had made even more abundantly clear is that our leftwing political elite feel free to impose on ordinary people laws that they themselves feel under no obligation to obey. Like 1970s Hollywood convincing themselves that they deserved cocaine because they just worked so darn hard, our “betters” believe rules are for the little people.

Of course, that was obvious from the very beginning, when the UK’s head coronavirus advisor broke his own coronavirus lockdown rules to mingle with his married mistress.

Some data points:

  • Obama had a giant blowout party on Martha’s Vineyard where nobody was masked at the same time the new Democratic Administration figureheaded by his former VP was telling everyone to stay masked even if they had been vaccinated.
  • Matt Taibbi on the same subject:

    “Even Scaled Back,” wrote Vanity Fair, “Barack Obama’s Birthday Bash Is the Event of the Season.” Not even the famed glossy Bible of the unapologetic rich seemed sure of whether to write Obama’s Birthday bash straight or as an Onion headline: what did the “Event of the Season” mean during a pandemic?

    A former president flying half the world’s celebrities to spend three days in a maskless ring-kissing romp at a $12 million Martha’s Vineyard mansion, at a moment when only a federal eviction ban prevented the outbreak of a national homelessness crisis, was already an all-time “Fuck the Optics” news event, and that was before the curveball.


    This Covid bash was Barack Obama’s “Fuck it!” moment.

    He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers who’d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan O’Brien!), and so on. It’d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even “Real Housewife of Atlanta” Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.

  • Being a member of the globetrotting international elite means not having to live with the same rules as the peasants. “UN Globalists Arriving In UK For Climate Summit Won’t Face COVID Restrictions Imposed On British Citizens.”
  • Somehow, events that our elites approve of (like #BlackLivesMatter riots, Obama parties and Lolapalooza) are never “superspreader events,” but events they don’t, like Trump rallies and the biker rally in Sturgis, are.
  • We all know that Nancy Pelosi feels free to break the mask mandates she wants to impose on others, be it to cut her hair, or to mingle with the people who write fat checks to Democrats:

  • And more of the same from DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and AOC. “It’s 2021, people. If you want to go out for dinner with family and friends, or take your kids to the zoo, or do any of the other things that were once commonplace, first you need to ask yourself one crucial question: ‘Am I a prominent Democrat politician?'”
  • And this only skims the surface. From dressing up as a Klansman, to being an actual Klansman, there seems to be no sin that a (D) after your name won’t absolve you off, as long as you’re important enough. Just ask Hunter Biden.
  • America was founded on the proposition that all men are created equal. Our political elites obviously don’t believe that’s the case…