Posts Tagged ‘roll call vote’

Official Roll Call Record of the Kavanaugh Vote

Sunday, October 7th, 2018

Since I went looking for this and actually had trouble finding it, here are links to the official roll call records of the cloture and confirmation votes for Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court:

  • The cloture vote, with 51 Yeas and 49 Nays.

    Brett Kavanaugh Cloture Vote Alphabetical

    Brett Kavanaugh Cloture Vote Yea or Nay

  • The confirmation vote, with 50 Yeas, 48 Nays, and a paired set of Present (Murkowski (R-AK) and Not Voting (Daines (R-MT)).

    Brett Kavanaugh Vote Alphabetical

    Brett Kavanaugh Vote Yea or Nay

  • One reason I’m putting this up is a saw someone on Twitter stating that Vice President Mike Pence cast a deciding vote, but in fact he was not required to break a tie for either vote. Thus far the only vote Vice President Pence has cast to break a tie in the Senate was the vote confirming Russell Vought as Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.