Posts Tagged ‘Spain’

Euro Update: The Euro is “An Unbridled Doomsday Machine”

Monday, May 21st, 2012

Though markets have calmed a bit, the desperate search for a lever that will actually steer Europe away from the looming wall of a EuroCrash continues. Meanwhile, certain repeating motifs are detected:

  • “Now that times are bad, the single currency has turned into an unbridled doomsday machine. Merkel continues to insist that she’ll do whatever it takes to save Europe’s “destiny”. The continued insistence on fiscal austerity and debt repayment tells a different story. Is Germany really prepared to bankroll a wider monetary union by putting its money where its mouth is, or is the game finally up?”
  • Boris Johnson also calls the Euro a Doomsday Machine:

    Europe now has the lowest growth of any region in the world. We have already wasted years in trying to control this sickness in the euro, and we are saving the cancer and killing the patient. We have blighted countless lives and lost countless jobs by kidding ourselves that the answer to the crisis might be “more Europe”. And all for what? To salvage the prestige of the European Project, and to spare the egos of those who were wrong and muddle-headed enough to campaign for the euro.

    Johnson is right about the cancer, but slightly wrong about the cause: The European cradle-to-grave welfare state is the cancer; the Euro just made it slightly more malignant.

    But with two separate commentator’s calling the Euro a Doomsday Machine, I feel a new meme coming on:

    Not to mention much better chances of being linked by Jonah Goldberg and James Lileks…

  • Europe is awakening from its Utopian dream.
  • Greece’s invisible bank run.
  • Greece is happy to stay in the Euro…as long as other countries are footing the bill. They want more subsidies and an end to even the #fakeausterity. Not only do they want to continue to dig their deficit spending grave, they insist on digging it as fast as possible. How to get Germany to agree to continue footing the bill is the one flaw in their otherwise cunning plan…
  • Why the Blue State model doesn’t work: Cheap money doesn’t mean welfare states balance their budgets, it just means they spend that much more:

    Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Italy (and California). In each case, the promise of more bailouts and a steady flow of cheap money only produced more reckless behavior, excessive levels of government spending and record levels of debt.

    Johan Norberg, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, summarizes the results: “From 1997 to 2007, government expenditures increased by around 6 percent annually in Spain, Portugal and Greece, while population remained mostly stable. Spending increased by 4 percent a year in Italy — even while the economy shrank.”

    Consequently, “Between 2000 and 2010, Portugal increased its public debt as a share of GDP from 49 percent to 93 percent, France from 57 percent to 82 percent, Italy from 109 percent to 118 percent, and Greece from 103 percent to 145 percent,” reports Norberg.

  • Greece and California are headed down the same path to disaster, and for the same reason.
  • In addition to budget deficits, the EU suffers from a deficit of democracy:

    The European crisis is as much a crisis of politics as economics. The current paralysis of the Greek political system demonstrates the point very clearly. EU policy has actively contributed to this crisis by effectively sealing off discussion of the political problems thrown up by austerity.

    Budgetary policy is at the core of traditional democratic politics in Europe but the management of the euro zone is increasingly being effected not through democratic institutions but via a centralised and depoliticised form of technocratic fiat. The “stability” narrative has triumphed over the need for legitimacy as the crisis in Europe has deepened.

    Ivan Krastev, the eminent political scientist, argues that we have now arrived at a point where national governments have politics but are no longer in control of policy, including budgetary policy, which is moving via the fiscal treaty and other measures to the EU level.

    On the other side of this divide the European Union has policies but no politics, since decisions are increasingly being made by technocratic managers rather than directly elected representatives of the European public. The euro zone crisis has thus amplified an existing problem – the absence of both a European citizenry and a transparent European level political process.

  • A long meditation on what a Greek exit would mean involving Frankenstein, Old Maid, and David Brin.
  • The EU sends inspectors to find out why Spain’s deficits are so high. Offhand I would say the solution to the mystery might be “because they’re spending more money than they’re taking in.” Obviously such thinking will never get you anywhere in the EU civil service…
  • EuroDoom Weekend Update

    Saturday, May 19th, 2012

    Good evening. I’m not Chevy Chase, and you’re not either. (Unless the real Chevy Chase is reading this, in which case: 1. Loved you on the original SNL, and 2. Stop being such a total dick.)

    The EuroZone crises has now reached the stage where European media is doing live updates.

    Take a look at this update: “German Chancellor Angela Merkel has mooted the idea that Greece should hold a referendum on the euro alongside its second round of elections next month.” Well, no use even pretending that the Greeks have a say in their own future, is there?

    The Zuckermutterobergroupenführer has spoken!

    In other EuroDoom news:

  • Paul Krugman is hardly a fat lady, but when even he says the Euro may end “in months, not years,” then maybe maybe the Euro’s opera bouffe is finally nearing the curtain. And just think: This Nobel Prize-winning economist is only two years behind Mark Steyn (not to mention myself).
  • The G8 leaders are trying to be more generous with Germany’s money.
  • The Wall Street Journal staff cover endgame scenarios.
  • Bank runs continue in Greece
  • and in Spain.
  • While the European Central Bank has cut off loans to four (unnamed) Greek banks because they’re insolvent. The only wonder is that any Greek banks are considered solvent.
  • No wonder Moodys is downgrading Spanish banks.
  • How bad will the Euro-collapse be? “This type of shock could produce instability at least as extensive as the aftermath of the collapse of Lehman Brothers.”
  • Why the Euro is doomed to fall apart. Besides all the obvious reasons.
  • Der Spiegel goes all Amityville Horror on Greece: GET OUT.
  • Speaking of prominent German media outlets slamming Greece (insert your own Cartman’s Mother joke here), can anyone tell me why the Greek finance ministry offices look like an episode of Hoarders? My German is a bit rusty to watch a 45 minute documentary, but what are in the garbage bags? Tax returns?
  • Spain is going to miss its deficit targets Also, unemployment is going to top 25%.
  • The difference between America and Spain.
  • Spain’s housing bubble gets compared to Ireland’s housing bubble, including how it’s getting ready to drag down the banking sector. Actually, it also sounds an awful lot like Japan’s housing bubble. But Spain’s economy isn’t nearly as strong as Japan’s…
  • One of the many ways France screws growing businesses.
  • No matter what Greece does, “the country faces years of austerity after years of mismanagement, whatever the election result. Even at the height of the global financial crisis, it was obvious the museum-piece economies of Europe, weighed down by bulging public payrolls, entrenched welfare state systems and archaic work practices, faced greater upheavals and decades of poorer living standards than the US.”
  • Record shorting against the Euro.
  • Obama wants Europe to keep digging. After all, the longer they can keep up the charade, the brighter his already-dimming re-election chances…
  • And given how much America is spending under Obama, we’re in no position to cast stones.
  • EuroDoom Update: Election Edition

    Sunday, May 6th, 2012

    Chances are good that Europe’s interesting Eurozone times are about to get more interesting still with elections scheduled across the continent today, including those in France and Greece. So what does all this mean? Well, for one thing, the French socialist candidate (who has a good chance to kick Nicolas Sarkozy out of office) wants to renegotiate the fiscal discipline treaty. Perhaps even a socialist can tell a rotting fish when he smells one. And in Greece, the anti-bailout parties are expected to make dramatic gains at the expense of the “center-right” New Democracy (Tweedledee) and “center-left” Pasok (Tweedledum) parties who managed to bring Greece to this lovely pass in the first place.

    Opposing Tweedledee and Tweedledum are a motley collection of small parties, including the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn. Now in Europe, everyone to the right of the Christian Democrats seems to be labeled a “neo-Nazi,” be they libertarians, Geert Wilders, or the British National Party, but Golden Dawn appears to be the real thing. Take a look at their flag:

    The overall color scheme seems vaguely familiar. Where have I seen that before? Let me think…

    Of course, Golden Dawn is unlikely to gain enough votes to be a real player in the Greek parliament, so we may be denied the irony of seeing neo-Nazis oppose Greece’s German overlords.

    There are also elections in Serbia and Armenia, lower level elections in Italy, and in Germany, regional elections in Schleswig-Holstein. While “regional elections in Schleswig-Holstein” must be almost as exciting a topic to American readers as enhanced rescission authority, it might go a long way toward determining whether Angela Merkel will continue in her role as Europe’s Sugar Momma Dominatrix.

    Could the ruling parties lose everywhere? Well, since the ruing parties have collectively lost every single election since 2009, yeah. Now, whether the Eurocratic elite are will to let a little thing like “democracy” derail their dreams for an integrated Europe remains to be seen.

    Other Eurozone news from the last month or so:

  • Eurozone jobless rate hits record high.
  • Capital flight from the PIIGS continues apace.
  • The central bank of Germany will no longer accept bank bonds backed by Ireland, Greece and Portugal as collateral.
  • European manufacturing continues to decline.
  • Spain is still going broke:

    With government debt expected to hit 80% of GDP by the end of 2012, Spain has become like a family with a big mortgage where the primary breadwinner has lost his job. Unless they find a way to increase their income, they are going to go bankrupt. It is only a matter of time.

    If people want to know what life looks like in the “Prohibitive Range” of the Laffer Curve, all they have to do is to visit Athens. Greece is literally falling apart. Unfortunately, by raising taxes, Spain is making exactly the same mistake that the Greeks made.

  • And that’s despite putting a ban on cash transactions over € 2,500 in a vain attempt to cut down on tax evasion. They’re also considering hiking their VAT tax, which I’m sure will do wonders for their recession-stricken economy.
  • Of course, whatever the outcome of today’s elections are, we can be pretty sure they won’t do the one thing that might help get them out of the crises: rolling back the European welfare state.
  • The a persistent drumbeat among American liberals that in Europe austerity has failed. This is a myth. In fact, it’s never been tried.
  • Greece: Bailout? Austerity? Stool Samples?

    Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

    Monty, the guy who does the Daily Doom over at Ace of Spades, is taking a break, which means that I have to do my own damn research step into the breach, so here a roundup of European Debt Crises news:

  • After much hemming and hawing, Germany finally ponies up 130 billion Euros for the latest Greek bailout funds. “Nobody can give a 100 percent guarantee of success” says Merkel. Actually, just remove the “10” and you have the true chance of the latest bailout succeeding in solving Greece’s problems…
  • And the Greeks, in turn, pass “tough spending cuts”. Presumably those “tough cuts” would be the ones reducing the annual budget deficit from 9% to 7.5% of GDP. They’re don’t even require Greece to stop digging, they just want them to dig slower. And even that assumes that such cuts will actually be implemented.
  • But despite all that frantic activity, Standard and Poor’s still downgraded Greece’s bond ratings to “Selective Default.” You get the feeling they’ve seen this particular tragedy before, and know exactly how it ends.
  • Among the austerity measures were a reduction in the minimum wage, including a 22% cut on the standard minimum monthly wage of 751 euros, and a 32% for those under 25. A good idea and necessary, but once again the sons are paying for the sins of the fathers.
  • Unions, realizing their role in helping bankrupt Greece, have meekly accepted the cuts. Ha, just kidding. They’re going on strike.
  • Following the downgrade, the European Central Bank announced that they would stop taking Greek debt as collateral, at least until the new Greek bailout package goes into effect.
  • How bad is Greek bureaucracy? The FDA is a model of efficiency by comparison. At least the FDA didn’t require stool samples from investors.
  • Germany is thinking of sending German tax collectors to Athens. I’m sure it’s impossible that Greeks would take this in the wrong way.
  • Speaking of Germany, their high court has ruled yet again that a parliamentary panel set up to approve action by the euro zone bailout fund is unconstitutional.
  • Portugal is also digging more slowly, having cut its budget deficit from 5.9% of GDP last year to 4.5% this year. Meanwhile, it’s economy also contracted by 3.3%.
  • The Finns are in, supporting the Greek bailout to the tune of 2.3 billion Euros.
  • Ireland is actually allowing its citizens to vote on the European stability treaty. Of course, if they vote no, expect them to have to keep voting until they ratify the result the Eurocrats have already chosen for them.
  • Seeking Alpha makes the obvious point that you don’t want to hold any of the PIIGS sovereign debt. I would go further and suggest that you don’t want to hold any sovereign debt denominated in Euros…
  • So who, above all, wants to avoid a Euro default among the PIIGS? Would you believe Goldman Sachs? “At the end of 2011, Goldman Sachs had sold $142.4 billion of single-name swaps, contracts that pay out in the event of a default, on the five countries.” That’s an awful of of incentive to keep the game running until all the rubes taxpayers can be fleeced…
  • Even big-spending, welfare state cheerleader and all-around leftwing mouthpiece Paul Krugman thinks Greece will have to leave the Euro. So it only took two years for Krugman to come part of the way toward realizing what what Mark Steyn did two years ago. Of course, Krugman’s analysis is short term and technical, whereas Steyn saw the unsustainable nature of the welfare state a long time ago. Do you think Kurgman might want become a bit less of a cheerleader for big government? I wouldn’t hold your breath…
  • EU council president Herman Van Rompuy: All your national parliaments are belong to us.
  • Spain balks at letting their government reduce spending by 4%of GDP. Problem: Their annual budget deficit is 8% of GDP. That’s the problem when you get that far down the hole to serfdom: Even slowing the digging becomes unacceptable, much less stopping…
  • “Decades of cradle-to-grave socialism, a short work week and long vacation periods for European Union workers have taken a toll on the treasuries of the nation states. The good life lived in Europe without a thought of tomorrow has brought on these days of reckoning. Greece is an example of the limits of a European welfare state.”
  • What would a real solution to Greece’s problems look like? “They must roll back bureaucracy, free up entrepreneurs and reduce the burden of the welfare state, so that the private sector can begin to grow….Regrettably, this is not the approach that has prevailed so far. Indeed, as things stand a whole host of European Union and European Central Bank policies are pushing things in precisely the opposite direction.”
  • American liberals love to talk about Northern Europe’s welfare states, but don’t like mentioning Southern Europe. “For all their fascination with Europe, southern Europe doesn’t loom large for the American Left. But France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal and Greece are more representative of European outcomes than Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, and have equally sized welfare states. Their failure should not be ignored in the American debate.”
  • Euro Bailout Train Derailed: “Germany’s engagement has reached it limits”

    Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

    Well, ain’t that a pisser. “‘European solidarity is not an end in itself and should not be a one-way street. Germany’s engagement has reached it limits,’ said the text, drafted by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats and Free Democrat (FDP) allies.”

    Has Germany’s willingness to throw bad money after good to bail out wastrel Greece’s unsustainable welfare state finally reached an end? Maybe. Or maybe Merkel is angling for more leverage over Greece to force them to cough up some more sovereignty, or even to (fat chance) actually implement austerity measures rather than just give them lip service. But without Germany, the IMF isn’t going to cough up, and without the two of them, there probably isn’t enough in the kitty to finance even the latest round of Greek bailout, much less the larger fund needed to staunch the contagion once the Greek default dominoes start tumbling.

    The game of musical chairs may finally be reaching its end.

    In other Euro debt crises news:

  • The Eurocrats don’t think Greece is serious about austerity. Imagine that.
  • And Portugal’s situation is getting worse, not because its debt is growing, but because its economy is shrinking.
  • Moody’s to Europe: you’re not fooling anyone.
  • And they’re thinking about downgrading 114 European banks as well.
  • Why Greece must leave the Eurozone
  • The Telegraph offers up a a Greek Debt crises 101.
  • Greece is already printing quasi-money.
  • Are the Eurocrats driving Greece toward revolution?

  • “Wave goodby to Greece. All the paths that lie ahead lead into darkness.” But enough of the sunny optimism: tell us what you really think!
  • Greek bureaucrats in their Social Security office stage a walk-out. Now if all government employees went on strike and stayed there, they might just have a chance…
  • Recessionorama is already spreading throughout southern Europe.
  • Want to know exactly how the Greek debt bond swaps will proceed? Me neither, but here it is anyway. Just part of full-service blogging, Ma’am….
  • Spain’s housing market makes ours look healthy by comparison. “Repossessed houses in Spain are valued at 43 percent less on average than the appraisals on the mortgages.”
  • Denmark: No you peasants don’t need to vote on the EU’s fiscal treaty What do you think this is, a democracy?
  • (Hat tips: Instapundit for the top story, Ace of Spades for most of the rest.)

    EuroDoom Update for February 6, 2012

    Monday, February 6th, 2012

    Greece and the EU are having their final showdown (I tell you final! This time we mean it! Lather, rinse, repeat!) over the Greek debt crises. Until they do it all over again two months from now.

    Some people wonder just what all this has to do with the U.S. economy? Well, the one good thing about having a crack house at the end of the street: No one worries about how crappy your own house looks, because it’s great by comparison. But once the PIIGS start defaulting, getting kicked out of the EuroZone, or both, people are going to start to notice that Obama hasn’t mowed the lawn in months…

    Metaphors! I mix them! Now back to all that exciting Euro-defaulting action:

  • A startling infographic of just how much money has been lent to the PIIGS.
  • Europe tells Greece take the deal or else. Of course, as Bob Dylan once noted: “When you got nothin, you got nothin to lose.” At this point, who does throwing Greece out of the EuroZone hurt worse: Greece, or Europe? Alternate metaphor: Maybe you should have cut off that gangrenous toe before it spread to your thigh…
  • And what’s this unacceptable demand Europe is making? To cut deficit spending by…1.5% of GDP. For a country running a deficit of, what, 9% of GDP? “Son, you’ve got to promise you’ll cut down on shooting smack by one-sixth.” Hey Greece (and, for that matter, Europe. And Obama): How about you (and try to keep up with me here) stop all deficit spending? That would take care of the problem, no?
  • The real reason Germany is asking for total control of Greek finance in exchange for the next bailout? To make Greece say no so they don’t have to bail out the rest of the PIIGS: “How do you preclude Portugal, Ireland and, indeed, Spain from asking for the same deal as Greece, if the negotiations succeed? Answer; you can’t. So the Germans throw a politically impossible demand in front of the Greeks, in effect saying, “No more money unless you effectively surrender your national sovereignty.” And that’s the implied warning ahead for the other periphery countries which look to secure the deal currently on the table for Greece. In effect, the Germans (behind the auspices of the troika) are saying, “It’s fiscal austerity on our terms. You try to renegotiate like the Greeks and we take you over. The other alternative is that you leave.” This article goes into detail about how exactly they lied.

  • The leader of the Greek Coalition of the Radical Left says the EU won’t dare kick Greece out. And he also wants a three-year suspension of all payments by Greece to foreign creditors. He may be on to something. When you owe the bank $3,000, you have a problem. When you owe the bank $30 billion, the bank has a problem. The OJ Simpson/Clevon Little technique of holding a gun to your own head just might work. “Do what he says! He’s crazy!”
  • I already had that written when Instapundit linked Megan McCardle having much the same thought.
  • Youth unemployment i various European countries. It’s above 50% in Spain.
  • Alexander Hamilton 1, the EU 0.
  • Spain’s fourth largest airline collapses. “The airline was seen as a flagship of the regional government of Catalonia, which had helped it stay afloat with more than 150m euros of subsidies. The government refused to provide more funding on Friday.”
  • EuroDoom Roundup: Waiting for the Inevitable Greek Default

    Monday, January 30th, 2012

    You know the problem with doing one of these roundups on the European Debt Crises? I can search for “Euro” just about anytime of the day and night on Google News and come up with a dozen things I could potentially include. So just consider this a Whitman’s European Despair Sampler of possible bad news, as there’s a lot more where this came from:

  • European Finance Minsters on Greece’s latest bond offer: REJECTED.
  • “A Greek Default: It’s a-Comin'”.
  • In exchange for bailing out Greece yet again, Germany wants Greece to cede control over its tax rates and budget to an EU commission (i.e., Germany). It’s almost touching, this German naivety that Greeks can actually be compelled to obey German laws when they can’t even be compelled to obey Greek laws even now. But despite the fact that such government dictates would be ignored just like they are now, Greeks are still furious at the proposal. (Hat tip: Ace.)
  • And if Berlin doesn’t get to call the tune? “Germany and the Netherlands are likely to quit the eurozone rather than swallow an indefinite number of ‘unrequited transfers’ to the union’s crisis-stricken nations.”
  • And even if a deal is reached, it will probably trigger credit default swaps.
  • And if Greece doesn’t blow up the Euro, Portugal will.
  • Fitch downgrades Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, and Cyprus. (Hat tip: Ace, again.)
  • What will European currency look like after a Euro-zone breakup? Like this.
  • Another month, another EuroZone bailout fund. The rules for the New and Improved Euro Bailout Fund is: 1. “Access [will] be made conditional on signing a new treaty on fiscal discipline.” 2. “Countries representing 85 percent of the fund’s capital [will make] decisions instead of unanimity among the eurozone 17 – will only apply to authorise ESM loans from existing funds.” So 1.) We get an entire new set of fiscal discipline guidelines for the PIIGs governments to ignore, and 2. Germany will call the tune, and the rest of the Eurozone will dance. At least until the next shuffling of the fiscal deck chairs.
  • Well, here’s a headline sure to fill investors with confidence: “From now on, in Europe, everything gets worse.”
  • Spanish unemployment hits 23.4%. And what happens when austerity means they can no longer pay people not to work? That’s he problem with cradle-to-grave European welfare state: sooner or later you run out of your grandchildren’s money…
  • Eurofudge.
  • The Soviet Union yesterday: “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.” Greece today: “The old dynamic—with Greece pretending to make structural changes and its lenders pretending to save it from default—has become untenable.”
  • The whole EU illusion has been predicated on the assumption that Greeks can be made to behave like Germans, and that the EU could manage to forge a new, multi-ethnic, post-national identity in 20 years when Belgium hasn’t been able to do it in almost 200.
  • Cameron caves. Sadly, this behavior is far more in line with his previous record than his brief stint of standing on principle.
  • House Republicans are working to rescind the $100 billion IMF bailout fund Nancy Pelosi helped create. They may not succeed, but they might force the Obama Administration to defend backstopping the Euro at a time when the federal budget is still hemorrhaging red ink…
  • Last week: France’s credit rating makes our latest Euro bailout fund rock solid. This week: oops.
  • The threat of default is also holding up the merger of two Greek banks, maybe because it’s as yet unclear just how they’ll put European taxpayers on the hook for their losses. Once that’s figured out, I’m sure the merger will fly through…
  • Those bondholders who can’t stick it to taxpayers are looking at 70% losses for Greek debt.
  • Just because Italy is broke is no reason for them to drop a bid for the Olympics.
  • EuroDoom Roundup for January 11, 2012

    Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

    The race to a Euro-crackup seems to have slowed down to merely a jaunty saunter this week. Maybe once everyone made it to the New Year without a sovereign default, the Eurocrats might have breathed a sigh, confident that there’s still a few miles yet before they went over the falls

  • In The Wall Street Journal, Robert Barro provides a credible exit strategy for the Euro:

    Germany could create a parallel currency—a new D-Mark, pegged at 1.0 to the euro. The German government would guarantee that holders of German government bonds could convert euro securities to new-D-mark instruments on a one-to-one basis up to some designated date, perhaps two years in the future. Private German contracts expressed in euros would switch to new-D-mark claims over the same period. The transition would likely feature a period in which the euro and new D-mark circulate as parallel currencies.

    Other countries could follow a path toward reintroduction of their own currencies over a two-year period. For example, Italy could have a new lira at 1.0 to the euro. If all the euro-zone countries followed this course, the vanishing of the euro currency in 2014 would come to resemble the disappearance of the 11 separate European moneys in 2001.

    Of course, this would mean that any bonds from the PIIGS with a maturity date more than two years in the future would trade at a heavy discount, but that’s far preferable to the looming Euro crash. But a bigger problem to this proposal actually being implemented is that it reverses the drive to centralize European bureaucracy, and Eurocrats will never stand for that.

  • Speaking of PIIGS bonds, there are more downgrades coming.
  • Could Spain be the next of the PIIGS to go bust?
  • There’s a good chance that Germany will let the Euro die this year.
  • Also, Germany’s economy is shrinking.
  • Denmark says no thanks to the new financial transaction tax.
  • For some reason, Greece is still able to sell six month bonds
  • …despite continuing bank runs. “All faith in the country’s banks has now been lost and Greece is officially a zombie economy.”
  • Hell, Greece can’t even afford asprin.
  • The government might have a bit more money if they didn’t subsidize pedophiles.
  • The strange conversion of Irish Euro-skeptic Declan Ganley to proposing a “United States of Europe”.
  • (Hat tips: Insta, Ace (most of the Greek stories), and Sundry.)

    Could All Of Europe Declare Bankruptcy?

    Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

    That’s the option being openly talked about:

    Europe may need to pull a Chapter 11 – a US-style bankruptcy, which would permit a market shutdown and Euro Zone reorganization before reopening for business.

    The EU desperately needs a break from market pressures in order to allow the political apparatus to really gather its forces and finally move Europe and its debt crisis ahead of the curve. Here we are just a couple of weeks after the feeble attempt to apply an EFSF plaster on the problem and we’re already back to Square One: the EU debt crisis has reached the point at which none of the readily available tools or institutions are sufficient to match the magnitude of the crisis. This dictates the need for an out-of-the-box solution.

    EU policy makers played the extend and pretend game for as long as they could – but now the writing is on the wall: popular outrage is on the rise and putting increasing pressure on the political process – as we are seeing increased demonstrations and grass-root activity taking over both the political agenda and the media. And markets are now balking as empty promises and now a real lack of funds are seeing bond yields beginning to spike out of control. The self-reinforcing cycle of downgrades and austerity and recession are taking us to the very brink of a full scale Crisis 2.0.

    Or, alternately, the EU could just jetison all that inconvenient democracy to keep the Ponzi scheme going just a little bit longer, trying to hide the fact that Europe has run out of money.

    Says Walter Russell Mead: “Right now the world’s largest economic bloc is running around like a chicken with its head cut off.”

    So how could Europe possibly display the terminal bankruptcy of the high tax, high spending, highly unionized, cradle-to-grave welfare state, European/Blue State social model? How about if EU staffers went on strike?

    Dear Greek Citizens: I hope you weren’t so foolish as to believe that the Swiss bank accounts containing the money you earned actually belong to you, do you? You’re going to have to return them to Greek banks so we can steal them. Love, the EU.

    The Euro may have been great for Greek elites, but not necessarily great for average Greeks.

    How are things in the rest of Europe? In Spain, unemployment is 22.6%.

    The EU may crack before the Euro.

    China is not coming to the rescue, as China is suffering from the same demographic maladies afflicting Europe: “A population that is no longer growing very fast and is quickly aging. The proportion of the population that depends on the state for pensions and medical care is overwhelming the proportion that works and pays taxes to the state.”

    Plus, Chinese rating agencies just downgraded Greek debt.

    The IMF has quitely changed its rules to make it easier to bail out Europe. With your tax dollars.

    (Hat tips: Ace, Insta, and the usual suspects.)

    Scenes from the EuroZone Summit

    Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

    There have been high level Euro rescue talks going on all weekend. How are they faring? Not well.

    Just when the eurozone governments thought it could not get worse for Europe’s single currency, it did.

    Shell-shocked EU finance ministers meeting in Brussels on Saturday were already reeling from the worst Franco-German rift for over 20 years and a fractious failure to resolve the problems that have brought Greece, and the euro, close to the brink.

    But then a new bombshell hit as a joint report by the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) warned that, without a default, the Greek debt crisis alone could swallow the EuroZone’s entire €440 billion bailout fund – leaving nothing to spare to help the affected banks of Italy, Spain or France.

    Of course, the problem with following this story from abroad is how the news of the summit gets distorted like some intercontinental game of telephone, especially when filtered through the dulcet-toned hearing aids of welfare state boosters. Thus this overly enthusiastic piece in left-wing newspaper The Guardian, citing that a deal was near based on unnamed “EU diplomats” becomes this blipvert in the left-wing Daily Beast stating that a deal had been reached, becomes this Fark thread in which clueless liberals crow that no one should ever have doubted the soundness of either the Euro or the glorious European welfare state. And also that ratings agencies are evil.

    And yet, as of right now, this “done deal” to rescue the Euro has yet to materialize. How strange!

    Somehow, how France (a country running a a $90+ billion dollar budget deficit) and Germany (a country whose ruling party has lost every local election since it started shoveling money down the Greek bailout chute), were to magically comes up with some €1.6 trillion Euros (the difference between the current bailout fund and the super-sized fund required to backstop the Euro following the inevitable Greek default) is nowhere specified. After all, it was hard enough for Chancellor Angela Merkel to get Germany’s contribution to the fund boosted from €123 billion to €211 billion in the first place.

    As a result of all this happy, confident talk of how the Euro will never be allowed to falter? Moody’s downgraded Spain’s credit rating. They also threatened to do the same for France, especially if they decided to throw more taxpayer money into the Greek debt maw.

    The Good Ship Europe bears its load of bailout guarantees straight for the center of the Greek Debt crisis.

    And if you’re the EU, how do you prevent your debt from being downgraded? A.) Stop borrowing so much, B.) Increase your emergency reserves, or C.) Make it illegal for bond rating companies to downgrade your debt?

    Yeah, that will work.

    How badly awry has the Eruo project gone? The problem with this Hoover Institute piece on is what not to quote from it:

    The champions of the European Union once touted it as a “bold new experiment in living” and “the best hope in an insecure age.” But these days “fear is coursing through the corridors of Brussels,” as the B.B.C. reported in September. Such fear is justified, for the nations of Europe are struggling with fiscal problems that challenge the integrity of the whole E.U.-topian ideal. Greece teetering on the brink of default on its debts, E.U. nations squabbling about how to deal with the crisis, debt levels approaching 100 percent of GDP even in economic-powerhouse countries like Germany and France, and European banks exposed to depreciating government bonds are some of the signposts on the road to decline.

    A monetary union comprising independent states, each with its own peculiar economic and political interests, histories, cultural norms, laws, and fiscal systems, was bound to end up in the current crisis. All that borrowed money, however, was necessary for funding the lavish social welfare entitlements and employment benefits that once impressed champions of the “European Dream.” Yet, despite the greater fiscal integration created by the E.U., sluggish, over-regulated, over-taxed economies could not generate enough money to pay for such amenities. Now, the president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, admits, “We can’t finance our social model.”

    This financial crisis means the government-financed dolce vita lifestyle once brandished as a reproach to work-obsessed America is facing cutbacks and austerity programs immensely unpopular among Europeans otherwise used to amenities like France’s 35-hour work week, or Greece’s two extra months of pay, or England’s generous housing subsidies that cost $34.4 billion a year. No surprise, then, that from Athens’ Syntagma Square to Madrid’s Puerta del Sol, austerity measures attempting to scale back government spending have been met with strikes, demonstrations, boycotts, and protests, some violent, on the part of citizens for whom such government entitlements have become human rights. In fact, such transfers of wealth have been formalized as rights in Articles 34 and 35 of the E.U.’s Charter of Fundamental Human Rights.

    The Euro crises will likely lead to another recession in the U.S. That is, if you think we ever came out of the Obama recession in the first place, which we didn’t.

    Europe’s private sector shrank for the first time in two years last month.

    Again: The question of a Eurozone collapse is not “if,” it is “when.” And how much of the losses European banks can put taxpayers on the hook for.