Posts Tagged ‘Terrence K. Williams’

“We ain’t cray cray like ya’ll!”

Monday, October 8th, 2018

Enjoy this Terrence K. Williams tweet about the left’s ongoing meltdown, complete with embedded video of liberal lunacy. “Ya’ll need to go to bed!”

Who was it in the Democratic Party that decided “Yeah, chanting, screaming lunatics, that’s the look we want for our party!” It used to be these lunatics would come out for special occasions like May Day and then go away. However, since Occupy Wall Street and the Wisconsin recall, they now seem like a year-round phenomena of rent-a-protestor lunacy. It’s not entirely a coincidence that their rise has coincided with a dramatic decline in Democratic Party officeholders.

It seems their primary accomplishment is keeping Democrats focused on pleasing the hard left while alienating moderates and independents, which is hardly a recipe for electoral success. It’s more like a recipe for becoming the Texas Democratic Party: Pleasing your activist base while throwing away all chances of top-of-the-ticket success.

A smarter party might realize that and correct course, but today’s Democratic Party is quite far from smart…