George H. W. Bush Dead at Age 94

George Herbert Walker Bush, forty-first President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan’s Vice President, head of the CIA, U.S. Congressman, envoy to China, World War II fighter pilot, and father of forty-third President George W. Bush, has died at age 94.

He led a pretty full life.

Americans should be grateful for his steady foreign policy leadership that saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, sweeping the Bolshevik Revolution into the dustbin of history. Likewise, Bush oversaw a continuation of the Reagan economic boom, setting the stage for the tremendous growth of the dotcom era. Bush was also instrumental in laying the foundation for the rise of the Republican Party to become the dominant political party of Texas.

He was not perfect. His inability to control the deficit, his misjudgment of China, and his his administration’s inability to deter Saddam Hussein from invading Kuwait all helped lead to his defeat at the hands of Bill Clinton in the 1992 election. Desert Storm’s ejection of Hussein’s forces from Kuwait was arguable Bush41’s finest hour, but the victory proved ephemeral, and led to a host of difficulties that America is still struggling with today.

He was a good President. His calm, patrician leadership was the last gasp of (to use his own words) a “kinder, gentler America,” and history will probably regard him as a “steady hand” President in the mold of Truman, Eisenhower, and Ford.

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