Ten Years of Blogging

My first post here on BattleSwarm was October 14, 2009, following Dwight’s lead, and only a day after my non-political blog. (Funny how Dwight and I and Borepatch all started blogging within a year of each other. Almost as if something happened around that time that compelled us to jump in…)

Here’s a quick Whitman sampler/greatest hits list from those halcyon days of yore:

  1. How Many People Did Communism Kill?
  2. WisCon’s Feminist Failfandom Brigade Gets My Locus April Fool’s Piece Taken Down (an early brush with what would come to be known as Social Justice Warriors)
  3. BattleSwarm Blog Endorses Ted Cruz for United States Senator
  4. Assault Weapons Vital Topic Among America’s 23 Million Unemployed.
  5. Someone in the Travis County Sheriff’s Office Must Really Hate Rosemary Lehmberg. (Featuring the Democratic Travis County’s DWI arrest video, now with old dead video replaced.) “CALL GREG!”
  6. The Decline and Fall of the Austin-American Statesman. I’m sure their circulation has fallen even further…
  7. Sad Puppies, If I Must.
  8. Raqqa Liberated. One from a long series of widely ignored posts on the war against the Islamic State…
  9. Clinton Corruption Update: The Converging (the most popular entry in a long-running series)
  10. It’s the Smug.
  11. Turmoil in the NRA.
  12. The very first post of what would become the Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. Some day, I might even move off the default WordPress theme!

Now if I could only make the blogroll for Instapundit or Ace of Spades…

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3 Responses to “Ten Years of Blogging”

  1. Howard says:

    This reminds me of something. With all of the info about Clinton corruption out there … why haven’t there been giant events about charges, indictments, investigations, etc into the Clinton Foundation?

    Seems clear to me that whole organization is easy pickings to get some people, great and small, into jail (or at the very least, into the headlines … and even though the headline will try to defend ’em, it still brings up the inconvenient facts of the matter).

    Is Trump in a “gentlemans agreement” not to do this? Saving it for the right time? Keeping it as a threat, so that the other side won’t go too far?

  2. martywd says:

    Can’t remember how I first got to this blog? Probably not when you began in ’09. Maybe from a link from Holly when she was still blogging in Williamson Co?

    Anyway, it’s close to a daily visit for me or at least anytime I see a new entry in my rss reader. Thanks very much for all the efforts you put into writing this blog!

  3. jabrwok says:

    I’ve certainly enjoyed your blog. Don’t recall how I first encountered it though. I sometimes wish you’d cover more Texas-centric news as I find myself woefully ignorant of our local political scene, but the national and international stuff always seems more compelling.

    Anyway, here’s to at least 10 more years!

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