Joe Rogan On Biden And Leftist Hate For Liberals

Two Joe Rogan videos in one week? Extra lazy, aren’t we?

Eh, been that kind of week.

This video with comedian Kurt Metzger from back in April is interesting because it touches on two previous themes. First, the sheer weirdness of that Biden “Corn Pop” soliloquy. Hearing it again in its entirety, I’m struck by two separate thoughts. One, it’s so oddly specific that it must have actually happened (at least in some fashion; we all know Biden loves to embellish stories about his past). Two, why on earth did Biden think telling this rambling Grandpa Simpsonesque tale of straight razors in rainbarrels would help his presidential ambitions? It’s like the part of his brain responsible for editing and self-censorship (with Freud called the super-ego) has atrophied, and whatever damn thing enters his mind just flows out his lips unchecked. It’s like the South Park episode where Cartman pretends to have Tourette’s so he can cuss at people without consequence, only to find out that he he’s lost the ability to self-censor embarrassing details out of his own unchecked verbal stream.

Second, they touch on how the left actually hates liberals. “The lefties hate you more than they hate a Nazi. They hate you more than any right-winger.” I think this is true, and I’ve touched on one of the reasons before, namely that the corrupt wing of the Democratic Party (read “liberals”) is preventing the insane wing of the Democratic Party (read “leftists”) from gaining control of the Party’s apparatus.

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