Observing 2023 Victims of Communism Day

Today is May 1st, which means that once again it’s time to observe Victims of Communism Day, remembering that a false, brutal ideology killed over 100 million people.


Here’s Jordan Peterson on the crimes of communism:

If you want a candidate for the sin against the holy ghost in the 21st century, the statement “communism, real communism, was never tried” with the underlying idea that if you had been the person implementing it, it would have worked, I think that’s a pretty good contender for something for which you should never be forgiven.

Here’s a list of memorials to the victims of communism.

More information on the Holodomor can be found in Robert Conquest’s The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine. Conquest estimated that for the entire Collectivization/”De-Kulakization”/Holodomor period (including the Soviet suppression of the Kazakhs and the Crimean Tartars, etc.) some 14.5 million died due to the actions of the Soviet government.

I know that November 7 is also designated as Victims of Communism Day, but the crimes of communism are so vast that there’s no reason we can’t observe Victims of Communism Day twice a year.

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10 Responses to “Observing 2023 Victims of Communism Day”

  1. Martin Fox says:

    I humbly suggest that we keep Nov. 7 as “Victims of Communism Day,” and celebrate today as “Victory in the Cold War” Day.”

    Yes, a lot of victories still to win, but the communists don’t celebrate May 1 the way they used to, do they?

  2. Mike-SMO says:

    Whenever, run up the American flag while you still can.

  3. Pettifogger says:

    The argument that THEY didn’t do communism/socialism right, but we’ll run it properly seems to me a manifestation of American exceptionalism: those foreigners couldn’t pull it off but we Americans are smart and good enough to do so.

    We might also ask them what specific errors they see having been made by Bolsheviks, Maoists, NORKS, etc. and what are their plans for avoiding them?

  4. Kirk says:

    Yeah, don’t look for rational thought from anyone taking up the views and mentality of the left. Most of them are mentally ill, to begin with.

    It’s the triumph of wishful thinking over reality, all of it. They don’t want to acknowledge their BS doesn’t work, never has worked, never will work. Look at all the “paradises” they’ve created; Portland, Oregon? Seattle? San Francisco? Those are just early-stage socialism. Late stage looks even worse; full-blown communism is what happened in the Soviet Union, with the nomenklatura and the whole party apparatchik mentality. Socialism/communism is basically organized crime, just like all the rest of that BS. What you’re seeing in the US right now is essentially the left carrying out an organized crime-style “bust-out” operation, and I doubt we’re coming out of it.

  5. […] ONE HUNDRED MILLION BROKEN EGGS AND NOT A SINGLE OMELET: Observing 2023 Victims of Communism Day. […]

  6. Andy Marksyst says:

    Stalin told me all about these things called “useful idiots”. I have yet to see one that has been useful, can’t see what function they serve on the box, and apparently they have a ‘no return’ policy, so it doesn’t matter if you kept the receipt.

    All I see is 100% idiocy and 0% useful. Stalin lied to us!

  7. […] Yesterday was Victims of Communism day. Which only killed something like 100 million people. […]

  8. […] and The natives are restless: 370 public protests recorded in Cuba during April BattleSwarm: Observing 2023 Victims of Communism Day, also, Score One For Gary Gates Behind The Black: Suborbital rocket explodes four seconds after […]

  9. Eric says:

    I was stationed with a NATO unit when the Berlin wall came down. I had the opportunity to go east and meet some of my former opponents a few months later. They were former east German air force officers. Card-carrying commies. One of them showed me his communist party membership card. They were mostly younger guys in their 20s and early 30s whom the western German government had retained in service as salvageable. Some had been pilots, but would never fly again. Air Traffic Control or Weapons Controllers maybe.

    When I asked them if they would go back to the way things were, they all had the same refrain: “No! My eyes have been opened!”

    They all knew something was wrong with their system, but they didn’t know much about the west until they could visit and experience it for themselves. They were stunned.

    The one who showed me his card, his wife told me that her parents were very angry with her when she joined the communist party, but she did so because her husband would not advance if she didn’t.

    Also, Herr Card-Carrier became very angry when I told him there was a commie party in the US and it actually had members. He told me we should round them all up and kill them.

    If the east Germans couldn’t make communism work, no one can.

  10. […] Speaking of Communists Observing 2023 Victims of Communism Day […]

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