Cruz Bleeding the Man Who Would Be President

Ever see John Huston’s The Man Who Would Be King, the film starring Sean Connery and Michael Cain based on the Rudyard Kipling story of the same name? It features Connery as a British soldier mistaken for a god by a remote tribe, a mistake Connery plays to his advantage, right up until his would-be queen bites him, the resulting blood proving that he’s a mere mortal.

His subsequent fall is swift.

I’m reminded of that fall by news that, according to a PPP poll, Donald Trump has dropped nine points following his second place finish in Iowa. Trump’s sense of popular inevitability was always one of his greatest assets, but after Ted Cruz successfully smote him, Trump too has been revealed as a mere mortal, and that sense of inevitability is bleeding away…

(Hat tip: Bad Blue.)

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One Response to “Cruz Bleeding the Man Who Would Be President”

  1. Kauf Buch says:

    It’s premature to call a “trend” based on ONE poll.

    What other States does Cruz have even the REMOTEST chance of winning?
    Arkansas? Maybe Texas?

    That’s about it. AND…

    …based on his Iowa stunts (parts like his
    “Voting Violation” being called FRAUD by Board of Election folks,
    and “Carson is quitting” schtick
    in which he denied/blamed others/apologized for/denied/dismissed…)

    many will see alot of his lustre as a “principled conservative” GONE.

    Cruz is just another stinking politician.
    Except that: in Cruz’s case, he’s just another GLOBALIST politician,
    who will sell America’s sovereignty down the river.

    Cruz’s “Trans Pacific Trade Deal” (TPA) position
    is “the other side of the” Immigration-Issue “coin.”
    In a similar (and related) manner that illegal
    (and Cruz’s H1-B legal white collar alien invasion)
    immigration destroys America’s social fabric and economic strength,
    the TPA severely weakens (a slippery slope to destroying)
    America’s sovereignty, as it subordinates/subsumes America
    to GLOBAL powers, be they economic or legal
    (THINK: UN, World Court).

    Why do I say he SUPPORTS it when “he voted against it”?!?
    HERE’S WHY (“plausible deniability”, just like ANY sleazy politican):

    * Feb/March ’15 Meets with Paul Ryan and constructs road map for Chamber of Commerce requested TPP trade deal.

    * April ’15 Pens open letter promoting TPA with Paul Ryan

    * May ’15 Creates “Fast Track” trade rider to attach to TPA changing vote threshold for approval/disapproval to simple majority – thereby ensuring its passage. Also votes down amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.

    * June/July ’15 – Votes against his own TPA bill (plausible deniability) even though the rider he created ensures its passage.

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