On the Dustup Between President Trump and Rep. Waters: A Modest Proposal

Some liberals are very, very upset that President Donald trump called Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters “low-IQ.”

Obviously, liberals instantly denounced President Trump as a “racist” (it’s what they do):

This despite the fact that Rep. Waters






And here’s a “greatest hits” sampler of same:

Truth should be an absolute defense from charges of racism. The fact that Rep. Waters is a very dim bulb has nothing to do with her race or sex, or even her party. (The late Rep. Barbara Jordan, Democrat of Texas, was wrong about many things, but she was anything but dumb.)

But why go back and forth on the issue when there’s a simple, real-world way to resolve it?

It seems to be an article of faith among liberals that Rep. Waters is not, in fact, below average IQ.

It also seems to be an article of faith among liberals that President Donald Trump is a “dummy,” a “moron,” etc.

Therefore, I offer up a modest proposal: Let President Trump debate Rep. Waters in prime time, with an equal number of questions supplied by each of the participants.

It should soon become apparent to American voters who is dumber than who…

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