City of Austin Votes To Let Drug Addicts Shit In The Streets

That’s not how the statute is worded, but I’m jumping ahead to the practical effects:

After emotional testimony last week regarding homelessness in Austin, City Council members rescinded prohibitions on camping on public property. Starting Monday, so long as they are not presenting a hazard or danger, people will be able to sleep, lie and set up tents on city-owned sidewalks, plazas and vacant non-park space.

Except, not in front of City Hall itself.

City Hall building guidelines implemented by former City Manager Marc Ott in 2012 disallow anyone from using the outdoor plaza, covered amphitheater or raised mezzanine from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. unless a city meeting is going on inside. The rules specifically prohibit sleeping, camping, storing personal property and erecting tents.

Well, we can’t let transient drug addicts and lunatics hassle city employees. Their antics are only supposed to degrade the lives of regular law-abiding Austinites.

Evidently the Austin City Council looked at the poop-bedecked streets of San Francisco, the needle-strewn yards of Seattle, and the rat and typhus-infected tent cities of Los Angeles and said said to themselves “Hey, that’s just what we need in Austin! Our streets are far too feces- and needle-free!”

Note that every city council members except Alison Alter and Kathie Tovo voted to turn Austin into an open sewer.

Governor Abbott is promising action:

Iowahawk has some observations:

Other tweets on the subject:

The People’s Republic of Austin isn’t as far-gone as San Francisco yet, and this might just engender a widespread revolt by “liberal but not entirely insane” Austin voters who rank their own health and safety over virtue displays of just how woke they are. Dwight has a handy contact page for members of the Austin City Council, and regular Austinites should let their offices know, a great length, just what they think of the decision.

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3 Responses to “City of Austin Votes To Let Drug Addicts Shit In The Streets”

  1. George says:

    I’m always amazed that there is a homeless problem only when a Republican is president.

  2. johnb. says:

    They don’t care about the homeless, it’s just a big middle finger to traditional middle-class society. Literally shoving its face in s%@t.

    The puritan hated bear baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectators.
    – Thomas Macaulay

  3. James Bryan says:

    Having a heart is one thing but being stupid and an enabler is another thing I was a bum till I was like 40 years old when I started to work and take pride in myself was one of the best times of my life I am now a responsible truck driver live in San Antonio I’m 61 years old been married for 20 years and if my family would have kept enabling and being weak I would have been dead or a drug addict crapping all over the streets of Austin

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