Brokeback Boondoggle Busted

By now you’ve heard that Sen. Joe Manchin has killed Biden’s pork-laden Build Back Better bill because Biden Administration staffers screwed around with him too much.

“They figured surely to God we can move one person. We surely can badger and beat one person up. Surely we can get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough that they’ll just say, ‘OK I’ll vote for anything,'” Manchin continued. “Well, guess what? I’m from West Virginia. I’m not from where they’re from and they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they’ll be submissive, period.”

We all owe Manchin our thanks for this, since Build Back Better was a giant pit of pork, waste, and leftwing pandering.

• Spends nearly $5 trillion more on a path to big-government socialism over 10 years
• Gives tax breaks for the wealthy political donor class in mostly Democrat-run states at the expense of other Americans
• Imposes new mandatory programs that create dependency on government and cycles of poverty
• Expands existing inefficient welfare programs
• Adds $24,000 in debt on every American taxpayer, increases each taxpayer’s national debt burden to $111,000
• Wastes billions of dollars on unreliable “green energy” boondoggles
• Empowers new IRS agents to spy on Americans’ bank accounts
• Raises childcare costs for families by more than twice
• Adds more marriage penalties to the tax code, especially
hurting married, small-business owners
• Imposes new taxes on tobacco and nicotine
• Limits how much you can save for retirement
• Wastes even more money on failed ObamaCare programs
• Provides healthcare subsidies for wealthy Americans who don’t need assistance
• Increases taxes on petroleum that will further increase the price of gasoline
• Raises taxes on business that will lower wages, increase prices, and reduce return on investment

And that’s just the topline.

Of course, the things that made Build Back Better such an odious dumpster fire are what made it holy to Democratic Party grandees and the hard left, who are fuming that they have nothing to show for negotiations, and imploring Biden to somehow “get tough” with Manchin, as though a President can have a Senator arrested and put on a rack for disobeying his will.

Democrats are also worried that it will result in an electoral disaster in 2022. With Slow Joe’s horrendous first year, including record inflation and record Flu Manchu deaths from a virus he said he was going to eradicate, they were always going to have a disasterous midterm, but now they have a handy scapegoat.

Lots of Democrats have said that Manchin should be ejected from the party for his apostasy. Manchin says make his day.

One of the many reasons the bill died is that a coalition of conservative interest groups banded together to make it happen.

Twenty groups have helped lead the “Save America” Coalition, including Americans for Prosperity, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans for Tax Reform, Center for Renewing America, Committee to Unleash Prosperity, Freedom Works, Heritage Action, Texas Public Policy Foundation, Goldwater Institute, Independent Women’s Forum and Job Creators Network.

[America First Policy Institute head Brooke] Rollins said she first realized while working as president and CEO of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, an Austin-based free-market think tank, that if conservative groups put differences aside and worked together for a common cause they could make a powerful change.

The very first call the coalition held, Rollins remembers saying, “If we do this right and if we put all the egos aside and we don’t worry about who gets the credit, it’s a new day for our entire movement.”

Knowing what was at stake and what the other side was capable of — Democrats are estimated to have spent between $50 to 100 million building public support for the bill — Rollins told the group it was “time to really come together.”

The coalition did polling nearly everyday with Scott Rasmussen to find the “weak underbelly of the bill,” Moore said, and joined together to run millions of dollars worth of advertising to “pound the airwaves” in West Virginia and Arizona where the two senators who were most likely to oppose the bill — Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.) — are from.

Althouse thinks it’s all theater. “Whatever they say publicly I will test against the hypothesis that making it all about Manchin is political theater, designed to concentrate the blame where it will not hurt other Democrats, moderate Democrats, while they gain the opportunity to edit the excessively left-wing material out of the bill.”

On the surface this makes a lot of sense, as the Corrupt Wing letting the Insane Wing get so far out in front of their skis that Manchin is the only one who gets blamed when their insane ambitions get chopped down to size. On the other hand, little about the Biden Administration suggests Machiavellian geniuses steering the ship of state through subtle stratagems, and their manifest failures are far more likely to pink-slip remaining moderate Democrats in 2022 rather than dethroning the hard left.

The competing theory is that Democrats know they’re going to be wiped out in 2022, and all of them (even most of the so-called “moderates”) are hellbent on shoving radical change down America’s throat because they’re never going to get the chance again.

And that’s why they’re so furious with Manchin. He’s not only keeping their snouts out of that giant trough of taxpayer money, he’s keeping them from rigging the game and insuring they never get a chance to again, because they’ll be out of office and out of power.

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