Libya Slips Into Civil War

If there was any question whether Moammar Gadhafi was willing to give up power quietly, they’ve now been answered:

Residents of parts of the capital were trapped in their homes as “thousands” of soldiers patrolled the streets accompanied by African mercenaries.

Tanks took up positions around public buildings including government offices, while sandbag defences were also being built.

“We will fight until death,” a pro-Gaddafi soldier in his early 20s said outside a military compound close to Tripoli’s Green Square, which had been cleared of demonstrators by yesterday morning.

He doesn’t just mean his own death, or those of his enemies. here’s footage of Libyan soldiers executed for refusing to fire on the people (Warning: graphic).

Michael Totten says that the implications of the Libyan revolt are bigger than those of Egypt or Tunisia: “If ordinary citizens can overthrow Qaddafi, of all people, every other despot in the region may look vulnerable—including Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran.”

How is Obama responding to the situation in Libya? He’s considering…(wait for it)…sanctions. Right. Here’s an oppressive dictator gunning down his own people left and right, so I’m sure he’s quaking in his boots at the thoughts of sanctions. For the full flavor of the empty suit quality of this administration, just read this press conference transcript.

Here’s a close-to-zero risk chance to get on the right side of history, win a quick, decisive and popular victory with the application of American air power, and Obama’s liberal world view makes him too timid to take advantage of it. Even the toothless UN Commissioner on Human Rights is calling for a no-fly-zone over Libya, and Obama can’t bring himself to say he’s even considering the idea.

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