Blogger Censors Borepatch

Blogger, owned by Google, has evidently decided that it, and not the individual bloggers that use it, are the ultimate arbiter of what those bloggers should be allowed to say, and they’ve started censoring Borepatch. From Friday, November 25, 2022:

In the ongoing effort to protect the world from Borepatch, the following actions have been taken by The Blogger Team. has been removed. has been put behind a warning wall. has been put behind a warning wall.

As a blogger and Borepatch reader, this sticks in my craw, so here is a a Wayback Machine link to “What smells good.” What Google hopes to accomplish by censoring a 14-year old post to gun cleaning solvents is unclear.

But that’s not all Google objects to! For some reason, they also decided that a post doubting “climate science” from 2014 was also verbotten.

As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we allow– and don’t allow– on Blogger. Your post titled “How do we know that Climate “science” is terribly weak?” was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL, making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?

Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

Reading the archived piece, I see nothing that could even be remotely construed as code.

It seems Google is using vague terms-of-service complaints to carry out ideological language policing in the name of crushing dissent against The Holy Narrative.

And it seems like a pretty good reason not to choose Blogger as your platform if you can choose something else.

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13 Responses to “Blogger Censors Borepatch”

  1. The Gaffer says:

    yeah. same thing happened to me on a ‘global warming’ post.

    guess it’s a waste of time to try and discuss this gem on the blog …

  2. Chuck says:

    I’ve seen similar reports at quite a few conservative websites. I’ve also see reports where the warnings were reversed after a day or two. Wonder if Blogger is trying to tune their “algorithm” to make it more liberal-narrative-friendly.

  3. martywd says:

    WTF? Neither of those links at ‘Borepatch’s’ site, the one that can be read on site after clicking through the dire warnings page, nor the one linked at archive_dot_org, could, in a sane world be considered controversial. Again, WTF! This is madness personified.

  4. Sailorcurt says:

    What’s amazing to me is that this type of thing still surprises anyone. Blogger is owned by Google after all. If you expect conservative opinions to get fair treatment from Google you live in a different reality than the one I inhabit.

  5. BonHagar says:

    Remember that WordPress took down Roissy when BLM’s fraudulent star was rising and the internet’s main content logs; facebookkk and Twitter were banning all that was offensive?

    Sadly, Youtube has alotta content in a convenient place. It would be easy to wean oneself on google. My gmail account there is a repository for junk mail these days.

  6. Mark Alger says:

    I left Blogger for my own domain and site construction almost 20 years ago. Never looked back. I would urge anyone — especially you in the Right — to do the same.

  7. Mark Gibson says:

    The practice of censoring material using nonsensical, unreasonable, & frankly illogical justifications has a long history amongst totalitarian regimes. When Pravda published articles making utterly outrageous claims -which Orwell brilliant predicted/reflected in “1984”, & Huxley described in “Brave New World” most Westerners missed the point.

    Soviet propagandists didn’t expect citizens to believe the outrageous lies- they expected them to parrot the outrageous lies. The more illogical the better- because real power is making people conform to your ridiculous rules. When you have no choice but to comply with illogic *then* your powerlessness is rubbed in your nose.

    The fact that the cited rules have nothing to do with the censorship- and bloggers must learn to self-censor or else- *THAT’S* when the point has been made & the lesson learned.

  8. Alec Rawls says:

    Hah, these people claiming there is nothing controversial in “What smells good.” Either they didn’t bother to read it or they are liars. As if anyone could have missed this:

    “…women like things that smell nice…”

    This erases women who have no sense of smell.


  9. Tom MacGyver says:

    Funny thing is, it’s been a while since I saw anything heavily gun related on Borepatch! …Leave it to the Left…

  10. Unknownsailor says:

    Run open source WordPress on web space you pay for, using a domain name registrar that is not beholden to social pressure.

    Blogger, Godaddy, WordPress hosting, Paypal, Patreon, these are your enemies.

    Stay off those platforms, this is the only way to be free of censorship.

  11. Lawrence Person says:

    The link works for me.

  12. Tom Lindsay says:

    This is why I left Blogsplat and moved to WordPress. Much less annoying

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