Posts Tagged ‘Blogger’

Blogger Censors Borepatch

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022

Blogger, owned by Google, has evidently decided that it, and not the individual bloggers that use it, are the ultimate arbiter of what those bloggers should be allowed to say, and they’ve started censoring Borepatch. From Friday, November 25, 2022:

In the ongoing effort to protect the world from Borepatch, the following actions have been taken by The Blogger Team. has been removed. has been put behind a warning wall. has been put behind a warning wall.

As a blogger and Borepatch reader, this sticks in my craw, so here is a a Wayback Machine link to “What smells good.” What Google hopes to accomplish by censoring a 14-year old post to gun cleaning solvents is unclear.

But that’s not all Google objects to! For some reason, they also decided that a post doubting “climate science” from 2014 was also verbotten.

As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we allow– and don’t allow– on Blogger. Your post titled “How do we know that Climate “science” is terribly weak?” was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL, making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?

Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

Reading the archived piece, I see nothing that could even be remotely construed as code.

It seems Google is using vague terms-of-service complaints to carry out ideological language policing in the name of crushing dissent against The Holy Narrative.

And it seems like a pretty good reason not to choose Blogger as your platform if you can choose something else.