Tab Clearing For April 6, 2024

A small handful of links that either didn’t make yesterday’s LinkSwarm, or weren’t quite right for it.

  • Why young men have checked out. A rant with a measure of truth:

    I was particularly struck by the phrase “fundamentally unwifeable.” Add “social justice” to “feminism” for the reason. As for “Disney Princess programming,” the Disney Princess thing has been around for over half a century. So why have things gotten so much worse on that front over the last 20 years?

  • On the flipside, here’s a 20-something girl complaining that she can’t afford rent. She apparently deleted the original tweet, but she said her rent had jumped from something like $1,200 a month to $1,600 a month, and she was having trouble affording food. Thanks, Joe Biden! Rent inflation is real, especially in blue cities where regulation prevents new housing being built to meet demand, but if your rent is that much, then you either need to move further out, find roommates to share rent with, or you need to consider moving to a less expensive city entirely.
  • Opioid Overdoses, Homicide Rates on the Rise in Austin and Travis County.”

    During an Austin City Council meeting on public safety, Austin-Travis County Emergency and Medical Services (EMS) spoke about the rising rates of opioid deaths in the county.

    “Travis County now has twice as many opiate overdose deaths than any other county in Texas, per capita,” said Steven White, acting assistant chief for Austin-Travis County EMS.

    White explained how the opioid crisis began in the community in 2016, “with a severe increase in 2017.”

    White elaborated that in 2018 there were about 30 overdoses per month, and “now we’re averaging about 100 overdoses a month.”

    He went on to show a heat map of where the overdoses are occurring, stating that “opioids do not seem to be contained by geographic barriers or financial barriers.”

    “It really gets into every part of our community and touches every family [and] at some point will be affected by the opioid crisis.”

    White also highlighted that “30 percent of all the opioid users who die of an overdose, at some point had contact with EMS in the previous 12 months before their death, which gives us an intersection point where we’re actually meeting these patients who have the potential to overdose and die.”

    Another statistic he presented is that “patients that receive Narcan in the field by EMS have a 10 percent chance of having a fatal overdose in the next 12 months.”

    This is your city on social justice…

  • Free goats.
  • Random Habitual Linecrosser I’m posting just so I can steal the phrase “Skittle Hair People.”

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    12 Responses to “Tab Clearing For April 6, 2024”

    1. Kirk says:

      The biggest problem with young men in this culture of ours isn’t them… They’re the same as they’ve always been. It’s the women, more than anything else.

      Consider the mixed messages that a young man is sent: You’re taught to sacrifice yourself, protecting the weak and innocent. That’s wired into you from birth, through culture and all the rest.

      So… When you go to actually apply that, by saying something reasonable like “I don’t think abortion is a good thing…”, you get hung out to dry by every woman around you. Why? ‘Cos, for them, the convenience factor of abortion outweighs everything else. And, it is convenience they’re fighting for, nothing else; the number of stranger rape-induced pregnancies is statistically vanishingly low.

      On the one hand, they want you to do one thing, but when you apply that to their own pet causes? Oh, no… We don’t mean for you to protect those helpless and innocent unborn children… We get to do whatever we damn well please, with them.

      That’s just one example of the hypocrisy. I’m here to tell you that I first began to grow disgusted even with the women within my own family because of this shit… “Don’t hit girls…” all the while I’m getting my ass beaten in by a sister four years older than me, who outweighed and outsized me until I was 14 and she left home. To tell the truth, to be male in this culture is to be a perpetual victim, a constant whipping boy for every woman you encounter. You do anything else, and you’re brow-beaten into submission, told you’re evil and wrong for asserting yourself. That’s the message sent to all the “decent men”, at least… Then, the miserable cretinous females flock to the feet of abusive types, who treat them like crap.

      Anyone who thinks that men and boys don’t observe this crap, and internalize it? LOL… You wonder why there are so many unmarried males, who’ve seen what happens in divorces? I may not have much, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to put myself into a situation wherein a woman can decide she “wants out” and gets half of what I’ve earned, over the years. And, any kids we might have had.

      What’s going on in America is a warning to history about what happens when you let any one faction gain undue ascendancy over others. That, at the moment, is women. It’ll be fun to watch the effects cascade through society, as all these theorists about female empowerment have to walk the talk. I await the thrilling descriptions of life at the front lines in a war where much of the infantry is female. Ought to be a hoot, for the rape fetishists…

      And, the bills from the VA to the Treasury for dealing with long-term musculo-skeletal injuries and overuse damage will be fucking epic in scale.

    2. Tig If Brue says:

      “Why young men have checked out.”

      Look in the mirror hon. Look in the mirror.

    3. Tig If Brue says:

      @Kirk said, “I await the thrilling descriptions of life at the front lines in a war where much of the infantry is female.”

      Amen. I want female fodder. Draft them and form them into bitchtallions and send them to to Taiwan, or let them get zerged by PLA infantry while getting missile spammed on some beach in the Spratlys. Don’t care. Go grrrl feminism is so go grrrl they should prove by picking up a rifle and defending all these hard one social perks they’ve accumulated over the last 60 years.

    4. CayleyGraph says:

      As for “Disney Princess programming,” the Disney Princess thing has been around for over half a century. So why have things gotten so much worse on that front over the last 20 years?

      Early Disney Princesses weren’t too non-traditional; the most they’d contribute to this phenomenon is increased expectations for husbands/boyfriends/male partners/whatever they’re calling it. More to the point, the princesses didn’t have much to do with the action scenes; they were mostly there for the romance plots & setting.

      These are factors in the problems mentioned in the rants above, but more factors came along later.

      Sometime between “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Lion King,” princesses moved towards dominating & humiliating male characters. I defend it in “Beauty…” as Gaston desperately needed humility. By “Lion King”, Nala pinned Simba every time they fought; the only thing he brought to the reclaimation of Pride Rock was his status as a political figurehead.

      I’m dating myself by admitting that I lost track of Disney movies for a bit after that (“Tarzan”, “Road to El Dorado”, “Atlantis”, etc.). By the time we reach “Frozen”, Elsa was essentially a princess discovering that she was actually a goddess, despite her culture telling her to “conceal” herself. Of the five major male characters, two were villains, one was a living snowman created by Elsa’s godlike powers, one was a reindeer, leaving Sven as the hero… did he do anything helpful beyond providing transportation to Anna, the other female lead?

    5. Andy Markcyst says:


      Your charting of America’s female zeitgeist through the lens of disney is interesting and terribly depressing. Not because it’s wrong, but because it’s probably right.

      No wonder disney is filled with SJWs. The propaganda works.

    6. Kirk says:

      No wonder disney is filled with SJWs. The propaganda works.

      Had a look at Disney’s bottom line, of late…?

      Things are going to have to get worse before enough people recognize reality. When that reality ensues, there are going to be a lot of really disappointed young women who will have said reality rubbed in their faces. I don’t doubt but that they’re going to be very angry at the people behind the swindle, with unpredictable results.

      Here’s my take on where we’re going: You’re going to have a couple of trend lines converging sometime in the mid-term future: The first is going to be the fertility effect from those COVID vaccines. Anecdotal evidence I’ve heard from OB/GYN nurses and so forth would indicate that the socially conformist young women who got vaccinated as they were told are suffering a vastly higher rate of fertility issues, along with other reproductive problems. Secondly, more and more young men are just opting out of the whole thing, meaning that they are unable to find partners. You can overhear the bitterness when they talk among themselves about how they just can’t find a man willing to commit; all the while oblivious to just why that is happening. They supplanted the males in the “traditional male career fields”, and now wonder why they can’t find a male making enough money… Third thing that’s going to be a huge factor is what happens as all these women age out of fertility years, and begin to realize how screwed they are with regards to being able to form families.

      The idjit class told them they could ignore biology; turns out, no, you cannot. The final denouement will be ugly. I expect that a bunch of fundamentalist religions are going to make hay, among the disaffected young men and women coping with all the dysfunction. Traditional sex roles will come back with a vengeance, because of the fact that they worked when it came to developing the next generation.

    7. Kirk says:

      There’s an author named Devon Eriksen who has made a post on X/Twitter, one that I think is very relevant to this discussion:

      It’s been kind of amusing, from a distance, to watch
      melt down over men in dresses invading women’s private spaces.

      She still doesn’t get it.

      She doesn’t understand that first they came for the men. Only then, much later, did they come for the women.

      She doesn’t understand that “transwomen” are simply doing to women what feminists did to men decades earlier.

      First feminists demanded inclusion in men’s private, unisex environments. Then they demanded that those spaces be changed to suit them. Then they demanded that no male-only space exist, anywhere.

      And the cosmic irony of all of this is that this is a large part of the reason why “transwomen” exist in the first place.

      Boys raised without any spaces or groups for boys. Raised without any acknowledgement, or accommodation, for the sex-specific needs of boys. Boys raised solely by women, in environments designed for girls, treated as defective girls, medicated into insensibility with modified methamphetamine if they dare to act like boys.

      And then told, from an age far too young for psychological self-defense, that men are responsible for all the world’s ills, and girls are wonderful and can do no wrong, and can do everything they can do, backwards and in heels.

      And still Rowling is surprised when some of them grow up wanting to be girls, and move into the women-only spaces, which were never abolished when the men-only spaces were?

      She was smart enough to write a really good series of children’s books, but not smart enough to understand the high-order consequences of her own ideology.

      It’s so incredibly, mind-bendingly delicious to watch. This feminist apocalypse is the result of a chain of events that feminists themselves set in motion, using the same tactics and arguments against them that they used against men.

      They are being punished not only for their sins, but by their sins.

      This would all be great except for the niggling little detail that not all women are feminists. There are a great many women who never went along with the insanity, but are nevertheless being hit just as hard by the effects.

      That’s not so funny.

      Worse yet, men have very little incentive to lift a finger to help them, since almost no one, man or woman, did a thing for them when they were little boys being attacked from every angle by adult feminists.

      If you make women into a privileged class…

      If you make women’s preferences into your society’s moral standards…

      If you tilt the playing field for the express purpose of making women exceed men in every measure of health, wealth, and social respect…

      If you strip your society’s art and culture of any image or aspect of positive masculinity…

      Then men will grow up wanting to be women.

      This piece of his highlights, in much more eloquent terms than I can achieve, a large part of just what has gone wrong in our culture. Worth the read…

    8. CayleyGraph says:

      @Andy Markcyst

      Glad it interested you!

      I guess there’s one other factor that occurs to me that’s worth mentioning:

      Even as fictional female characters became more capable and assertive — and then moved to infallible and insulting — the mouthpieces for feminism, and other progressive causes, kept insisting that women were as oppressed/poorly represented as ever.

      Part of it is the large number of professional activists who need the cause to get a paycheck. Part of it could be due to a hypothesis of mine, if that hypothesis is correct: Most people who assess the culture consider the experience of their entire lives, even when they say they’re commenting on present conditions. Even while theaters were showing Nala dunking on Simba, a large population would answer the question “Should Disney portray women as more assertive” while thinking about Snow White & Cinderella.

    9. jabrwok says:

      Regarding the goat problem…are these people anti-gun vegetarians? So what if the goats outnumber the people? “We have got the Gatling gun, and they have not” applies just as well to livestock as to barbarians.

      These people are a disgrace to the Empire.

    10. Howard says:

      Two conflicting thoughts stuck out here:

      ‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

      … and, like the Not The Bee author pointed, out, this one struck hard:

      Canaries are dying and assholes throughout the mine are pointing and laughing at the birds.

    11. kaempi says:


      “leaving Sven as the hero… did he do anything helpful ”

      He warned her not to follow her feelings because spur of the moment infatuation can’t be relied upon long-term.

      It’s not much, but I’ll take it.

    12. Heresolong says:

      Two thoughts:

      1) Snow White came out in 1937 so I’d say that the Disney Princess thing has been around for a lot longer than 50 years.

      2) There are too many goats because they have no natural predators on the island. Get rid of some of them and they will just breed right back up again.

      1a) Disney Girls (1957) by the Beach Boys is a really good song.

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