Profiles In Pettiness

From California comes an amazing profile in pettiness. A school superintendent threatened action against members of a softball team and their parent over not clapping loudly enough for her own daughter.

  • Marian Phelps was superintendent of the Powey Unified School District north of San Diego.
  • “As you see, everyone clapped, but Phelps was upset because she said the claps weren’t loud enough.” Never be the first one to stop clapping for Stalin’s daughter, comrade…
  • “Phelps accused Doe and her friends on the softball team of not clapping loud enough when her daughter received the most valuable player award…the lawsuit says Phelps ordered school personnel to investigate the incident as a case of bullying.”
  • “One of the softball coaches said he was concerned about being fired. ‘The other coach who stood up to this has been fired. and so I’m in the same predicament.'”
  • “After meeting in a closed door session, school board members for the Poway Unified School District have voted to unanimously terminate superintendent Marian Phelps.” It seems like lying to the board finally did Phelps in.
  • There’s a line in the Christopher Durang play Beyond Therapy, where someone recounts going to see a production of Peter Pan, where Peter says “You didn’t clap loud enough! Tinkerbell’s dead!” It’s hard to imagine the level of pettiness it takes for a school district superintendent to kill their own career over people not clapping loudly enough. I suppose this is the inevitable consequence of entitlement thinking and obsessing over “microaggressions”…

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    8 Responses to “Profiles In Pettiness”

    1. Meatwood Flack says:

      Of every public servant, you should always ask “why are you doing this? What motivates you?” Without fail their response will always be something to the tune of “to serve the public” or to “get things done”. Then watch what they do like a hawk, because roughly half of them will do something that serves themselves instead of the public and gets something done for themselves before others within the span of a month, maybe less if you live in CA.

      Very few people from the government are ever there to help.

    2. 10x25mm says:

      Stephanie Gutmann posted an useful analysis of the reasons why women have become BSC on SubStack two days ago:

      “This post has been a long time developing. Back during the #MeToo pogroms, and the pink pussy hats, and the screeching on Capitol Hill, and the Stalin-esque career-killing accusations and the disappeared men, I wanted badly to write something titled “Why Are Women so Angry?”—for watching #MeToo had been like watching the spread of a contagion, a mind virus, to use Elon Musk’s term, and a contagion that was spliting society further into two camps…..”

    3. Leland says:

      I agree with the final Parent, how did it take a year to fire this tyrant? She should have been investigated for contacting students directly in the middle of the night. Also agree with Nate as to who should pay in the lawsuit.

    4. Kirk says:

      Anyone seeking office is almost guaranteed to be unfit for that office…

      Learned that truism a long time ago, and I’ve never seen a case where it wasn’t God’s truth.

    5. Candi says:

      Unless they go after her bond. She can just go to another school district and terrorize students there.

    6. Malthus says:

      Pithy, trenchant, acerbic—choose your own adjectives—this may be the best critique of Leftist butt hurt that LP has ever crafted. Bravo!

    7. Eric says:

      I expect to put in job applications Minister of Education in North Korea, or the Biden Administration.

    8. Kirk says:

      As an exercise in understanding… Try to put yourself into this situation. Can you conceive of being a person willing to do something like this? What sort of ego-driven lunatic even considers something like this, let alone acts on it?

      Now connect this with the fact that it’s virtually impossible that this is the very first time she’s ever done anything like this, that this is the first manifestation of behavior like this in her life.

      Ask yourself the question about just who enabled this BS, who looked the other way throughout her life from adolescence forward, into adult life. Who excused this sort of thing, encouraged it, validated it?

      In other words, ladies and gentlemen… Y’all done chose the form of your destructor. This woman encapsulates how creatures like Pelosi and Biden happen. They don’t arise out of nothing, all on their own. They are the result of decades of “looking the other way”, “social promotion”, and thousands of people who were unwilling, for whatever reason, to call this woman on her bullshit.

      You did this. You. Nobody else. The telephone calls are coming from inside the house, and you’d better recognize it soon.

      I reluctantly have to conclude that the vast majority of my fellow apes are complete and utter dumbfucks, unable to work out cause from effect. You don’t have these politician “appear from nowhere”; they’re created monsters, that you ease into existence by tolerating and encouraging this sort of behavior.

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