Posts Tagged ‘Ashley Madison’

Top 10 Ashley Madison Pickup Lines

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

It looks like hackers have dumped everything they stole from affair/scam/blackmail site Ashley Madison, which comes to a hefty 10 gigs of compressed data, including:

user names, first and last names, and hashed passwords for 33 million accounts, partial credit card data, street names, and phone numbers for huge numbers of users, records documenting 9.6 million transactions, and 36 million email addresses. While much of the data is sure to correspond to anonymous burner accounts, it’s a likely bet many of them belong to real people who visited the site for clandestine encounters. For what it’s worth, more than 15,000 of the e-mail addresses are hosted by US government and military servers using the .gov and .mil top-level domains.

The leak also includes PayPal accounts used by Ashley Madison executives, Windows domain credentials for employees, and a large number of proprietary internal documents. Also found: huge numbers of internal documents, memos, org charts, contracts, sales techniques, and more.

Maybe Ashley Madison should close up shop now and save itself the trouble of waiting until the lawsuits force them into bankruptcy.

In honor of their incredible incompetence, and the sleazy idiocy of their entire business model, here are the Top 10 Ashley Madison pickup lines recovered from the server:

  1. “Did you get those 27 dick pics I sent you?” —
  2. “Do you need money? I can create all I need out of thin air!” —
  3. “I’ve got this one weird trick that will totally rock your cooter!” —
  4. “Yeah, I’ve got to be willing to throw my body in the path of a bullet. My big, sweaty male body. Pretty hot, huh?” —
  5. “I’m into submission, saving the environment, and raising taxes.” —
  6. “I’m into submission, saving the environment, and raising taxes.” —
  7. “You can have sex with me, or I can have your entire family liquidated. Your choice.” —
  8. “Sure, Miss Wong, I’ll let you use my login!” —
  9. “Whip me like I’m an underperforming index fund!” —
  10. “Hill will never know. She’s off in Dubai picking up a crate of money.” —