Posts Tagged ‘Push Junction’

Updating the Blogroll

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

For some reason, I feel a lot more braindead than usual after a one hour bike ride, so today seems like an excellent day to perform that long-contemplated update of the blogroll.

Today’s additions:

  • Rick Perry vs. the World: You might previously remember Evan from Texas Iconoclast, a local political aggregator until it went into hibernation earlier this year. Now he’s back blogging at this, his original blog. Well worth a look for Texas politics. And speaking of a local political aggregators:
  • Push Junction offers up a forest of Texas political links. Don’t know who runs it, but I’ve grabbed many a link from it.
  • More Lane: National blogger and indefatigable tweeter. He also turns out to share my affection for Peter Gabriel and Ogre (the board game), so he’s obviously a man of taste and discernment…
  • Ann Althouse: Another national blogger I’d frequently read when linked from Instapundit, but one who was absolutely essential for Wisconsin Recall coverage.
  • Michelle Malkin: Still another national blogger I’d read when linked by Instapundit, but more recently she’s not only been a driving force to expose convicted felon Brett Kimberlin, she’s also the Queen of the Conservative Twitterverse, which lead her to launch Twitchy, a Twitter roundup blog, which is also worth checking out.
  • Finally, please note that Blue Dot Blues has moved.