Posts Tagged ‘Tom Rogan’

Blink-182, in Coordination With the Saucer People and DARPA, Are Developing A New Generations of Superweapons

Saturday, October 19th, 2019

I know that headline reads like a Simpsons gag (all it needs is the reverse vampires), but that’s the actual thrust of this Washington Examiner story from Tom Rogan. This story is about 99% bunk by weight, but there are a few interesting nuggets in here worth sifting around.

The U.S. Army has signed a contract to study and exploit materials from unidentified flying objects. It intends to use what it learns in order to develop new weapons platforms.

No, I’m not joking.

The facts are provided in a newly agreed cooperative research and development contract between the U.S. Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command (specifically, the Ground Vehicle Systems Center) and the UFO technology exploitation group To The Stars Academy. Established by Blink-182 founder Tom DeLonge, To The Stars Academy involves former U.S. government, military, and advanced aerospace engineers in the research and capability exploitation of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UFOs.

The U.S. Army’s stamped and signed 26-page contract is quite stunning.

It says that To The Stars Academy has shown the Army that it “is a company with materiel and technology innovations that offer capability advancements for Army ground vehicles. These technology innovations have been acquired, designed, or produced by [To The Stars Academy], leveraging advancements in metamaterials and quantum physics to push performance gains.”

“The government is interested,” the contract explains, “in a variety of the collaborator’s technologies, such as, but not limited to inertial mass reduction, mechanical/structural metamaterials, electromagnetic metamaterial wave guides, quantum physics, quantum communications, and beamed energy propulsion.” The contract also entails the research of metamaterial exploitation for the purposes of “active camouflage and directed photo projection.” On that last point, an Army spokesman tells me that To The Stars Academy has conveyed it has means of supporting “camouflage concealment deception and obscuration” interests.

But what is this metamaterial?

I can confirm that at least some of the source material was retrieved from crash remnants or materials sourced from UFOs. Analysis of these UFOs suggests they are enabled with space-time, cloaking, transmedium travel, and gravity manipulation capabilities. That’s not crazy conspiracy talk. In a key credibility submission, the contract adds that “the Office of the Secretary of Defense can share historical reports of findings and origin of materiel solutions in the possession of [To The Stars Academy].”

Take a look at that giant leap from almost vaguely plausible to Above Top Secret level lunacy in the last quoted paragraph.

This is not the first time Tom Rogan has published a Washington Examiner piece about UFOs. A good bit of that piece is about the “Tic-Tac” UFO sighting, which got a fair amount of coverage at the time. But then you get paragraphs of true believer blather:

First, UFOs have repeatedly shown what seems to be intelligence in their operation and behavior-response to manned aircraft and monitoring systems in their vicinity. I am led to believe that the Russians (including in the Soviet era) have repeatedly tried and failed to shoot down UFOs, which have practiced evasive techniques.

In addition, UFOs have shown an ability to travel at hypersonic speeds with anti-gravity characteristics. Some underwater phenomena are also capable of supercavitation speeds of hundreds of miles per hour underwater. Note that when it comes to underwater objects, the recorded size indicates they are not torpedoes or vessels of any known type.

Third, UFOs manifest a continuing and special interest in military-nuclear technology (I believe it is notable that credible sightings began following the first use of atomic weapons). Former nuclear forces officers have testified that UFOs have, on occasion, even deactivated U.S. nuclear missiles during test operations.

Fourth, UFOs often show evidence of plasma manipulation, possibly in relation to manifested cloaking capabilities.

I am also extraordinarily confident these UFOs are not the creation of any current government or private interest. They are definitely not U.S. in origin, and they are far in advance of Chinese and Russian capabilities — including in the field of hypersonic capabilities (which the Russians lead in).

This is stuff that belongs in Fate or Fortean Times rather than the once-respectable Washington Examiner. That piece mentions To The Stars Academy as well:

You should, for example, listen to credible individuals such as Luis Elizondo — former head of the Pentagon’s former UFO research agency, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Elizondo does not talk about aliens. But you should not listen to Elizondo’s To The Stars Academy colleague, Tom DeLonge (the musician is overexcited and says things that are unbound from analytical credibility).

Oh good! The guy who says DOD is handing out money for UFO tech is saying the Blink-182 guitarist/company head is “unbound from analytical credibility.” Good to know!

DeLonge has long been interested in UFOs. So have a lot of people, but they don’t form companies based on that interest.

The nugget of interest here is that the contract cited appears to be real. Moreover, it’s not the first “crazy UFO technology” document to surface. In 2016, Google Patents turned up a patent for “Craft using an inertial mass reduction device” filed by the U.S. Navy with the inventor being one Salvatore Cezar Pais. It’s some wacky stuff:

Artificially generated high energy electromagnetic fields, such as those generated with a high energy electromagnetic field generator (HEEMFG), interact strongly with the vacuum energy state. The vacuum energy state can be described as an aggregate/collective state, comprised of the superposition of all quantum fields’ fluctuations permeating the entire fabric of spacetime. High energy interaction with the vacuum energy state can give rise to emergent physical phenomena, such as force and matter fields’ unification. According to quantum field theory, this strong interaction between the fields is based on the mechanism of transfer of vibrational energy between the fields. The transfer of vibrational energy further induces local fluctuations in adjacent quantum fields which permeate spacetime (these fields may or may not be electromagnetic in nature). Matter, energy, and spacetime are all emergent constructs which arise out of the fundamental framework that is the vacuum energy state.

Everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations, and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields. Matter is confined energy, bound within fields, frozen in a quantum of time. Therefore, under certain conditions (such as the coupling of hyper-frequency axial spin with hyper-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems) the rules and special effects of quantum field behavior also apply to macroscopic physical entities (macroscopic quantum phenomena).

Moreover, the coupling of hyper-frequency gyrational (axial rotation) and hyper-frequency vibrational electrodynamics is conducive to a possible physical breakthrough in the utilization of the macroscopic quantum fluctuations vacuum plasma field (quantum vacuum plasma) as an energy source (or sink), which is an induced physical phenomenon.

The quantum vacuum plasma (QVP) is the electric glue of our plasma universe. The Casimir Effect, the Lamb Shift, and Spontaneous Emission, are specific confirmations of the existence of QVP.

It is important to note that in region(s) where the electromagnetic fields are strongest, the more potent the interactions with the QVP, therefore, the higher the induced energy density of the QVP particles which spring into existence (the Dirac Sea of electrons and positrons). These QVP particles may augment the obtained energy levels of the HEEMFG system, in that energy flux amplification may be induced.

I’ll save you the equations later in the document. I’m no expert, but it seems to be a mix of extremely advanced physics buzzword bingo mixed with highly speculative chain reasoning, of the “if V, then W, if W then X, if X then Y, if Y then Z, if Z then a miracle happens and Bob’s your uncle” variety. Do you think the guy at the patent office went “I’m going to consult with at least three quantum physicists to determine the plausibility of this patent” or just went “I don’t understand 1/10th of what’s going on here. It’s from the navy, and if I don’t approve it his boss is going to call my boss and then I’ll be stuck in two solid weeks of meetings, minimum! Might as well approve it. It’s not my problem.”

There are at least three possibilities for how the To The Stars Academy contract happened. The first…

I don’t give that possibility much credence.

A second possibility is that all of Washington is awash in stupid money, and some of it got slopped into the alien technology bucket, either because they were at the end of a fiscal quarter and had to spend it on something (and we all know not spending every cent of allocated taxpayer money is a mortal sin in Washington), or because a true believer congresscritter went to bat for them, and they went “Eh, this will shut him up for a while.”

The third possibility is that we’re just farking with the Chinese. Just like yesterday’s laughable Chinese helicopter, it’s designed to freak out opponents and make them possibly pour time and money researching dead ends, just in case it’s not bunk.

My money is on door number three.

(Hat tip: Jazz Shaw.)