Posts Tagged ‘trebuchet’

Colin Furze Tests His Trebuchet To Destruction

Saturday, December 19th, 2020

In this follow-up to last Saturday’s post, Colin Furze chunks more stuff from his trebuchet:

The bearings finally gave out, but he says he’s going to rebuild it so he can make it even more powerful…

Colin Furze Builds A Trebuchet

Saturday, December 12th, 2020

Everyone’s favorite insane British inventor has constructed quite a large trebuchet and used it to fling heavy objects considerable distances.

Here’s the build video:

The trebuchet looks to be about 10 meters high, which seems to be a fairly common height for medieval trebuchets. Here it is chunking stuff:

The largest trebuchet ever built was Warwolf, at a whopping 300-400 feet tall, built at the order of King Edward of England in 1304 for the siege of Stirling Castle in Scotland.

I’ll tag this with “Military,” because siege engine…