Posts Tagged ‘Washington Post’

Radical Muslim Kills 49 At Gay Nightclub

Sunday, June 12th, 2016

Another “senseless” mass shooting that makes perfect sense to anyone who has been paying attention:

A gunman opened fire inside a crowded gay nightclub in Orlando, killing 50 people and injuring dozens more in a rampage that turned into a deadly hostage situation.

Authorities in Orlando said that 50 people were killed in what authorities are calling an act of domestic terrorism, and many others were injured in the violence at Pulse, a popular gay bar and dance club. Police had initially thought about 20 people were killed in the attack, but authorities said later on Sunday morning that the toll was significantly higher.

The body count evidently includes the shooter.

The suspected gunman was identified by relatives and law enforcement officials as Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old from Fort Pierce, Fla. One relative said that Mateen’s family was in shock after being told on Sunday morning about his involvement. This relative said Mateen’s family was very sorry about what had happened.

Police have not identified a possible motive, and details about Mateen’s background were scarce on Sunday morning. His family is from Afghanistan, while Mateen is believed to have been born in the United States.

So a man named Omar with roots in Afghanistan opens fire in a gay nightclub. What could his motivations possibly be? It’s an insoluble mystery!

Except, of course, for the Koranic verses that explicitly call for the deaths of those committing homosexual acts.

The CBS News article, in contrast to the Washington Post, is not nearly so reticent about the shooter’s motives:

A U.S. intelligence source told CBS news senior investigative producer Pat Milton that Islamic terrorism is being investigated as a possible motive in the shooting due to several indicators including the style of the attack, which had similarities to the attacks in Paris in November 2015 and Brussels in March. The gunman put up a protracted gun battle with police and was heavily armed, the source said.

Also this: “FBI Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge Ron Hopper said at a press conference that there are ‘some suggestions’ the gunman ‘may have leanings’ toward Jihadist ideology.”

And TMZ, who was evidently willing to spare a staff member from their dedicated Kardashian team, states bluntly “Omar Mateen Terrorist was 29-Year-Old Islamic Radical.”

Weasel Zippers is also reporting that Mateen is a registered Democrat.

Trump Wins Early Louisiana Voting, Cruz Wins Election Day

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Heard about this election day, but Philip Bump in the Washington Post provides more details: Donald Trump won early voting, but Ted Cruz’s percentage of the vote soared on election day:

One of two things happened in Louisiana. We know that the margins between the top three candidates in the state shifted dramatically between votes cast by absentee ballot and those cast on Saturday, the day of the election. That means that either that: 1) A candidate had a very strong get-out-the-vote effort, or 2) There was a broad shift in attitudes about the candidates.

When we looked at this Saturday night, it wasn’t clear which was the case. Now, we have a better sense.

If we look at the votes in counties* for which we have data (culled from the AP’s initial and final vote tallies), you can see that Ted Cruz gained strength after the absentee vote.


this looks like the state of Louisiana bailed on Marco Rubio in favor of Ted Cruz. Which could explain why Cruz is targeting Florida all of a sudden. On Saturday night, Donald Trump called for Rubio to drop out of the race. If he can repeat what he did in Louisiana in Florida in just over a week, Cruz will take Rubio out himself.

This pattern mirrors what Cruz did in the 2012 Texas Senate race. Dewhurst beat Cruz by 18% in early voting, but only 3% on primary day, a massive momentum shift that turned into a Cruz victory in the runoff.

Cruz is a smart, disciplined, relentless campaigner, and after Trump’s early successes in open primaries, we’re finally seeing Trump hit his ceiling and Cruz surge ahead as the superior candidate, especially in closed primary and caucus states.

That momentum, and the widespread distaste for Trump, is why many in the Republican establishment are finally, reluctantly, turning to Cruz as the only way to stop Trump.

MSM Monkeys Around

Thursday, December 24th, 2015

It’s been an odd week, for a number of reasons, so I’m a bit late on the “Washington Post cartoonist draws Ted Cruz’s 5 and 7 year old daughters as monkeys” story. Because nothing says “reasonable” and “rational” like attacking children because you dislike the politics of their father. On the off-chance you missed it, it featured Cruz as an organ-grinder and his daughters as monkeys on leashes. The ostensible rationale for the doodle was Cruz featuring his daughters in that parody Christmas ad that ran during Saturday Night Live, making them “fair game.”


Though the Washington Post editor took the doodle down (calling it a cartoon would suggest there was an actual attempt at humor), we all know that if someone attempted the same drawing featuring Obama and his daughters, it would have been denounced as racist and the cartoonist fired so fast they wouldn’t have been allowed to pack their desk. Of course, the MSM have always been hypocrites when it comes to different standards for Democrats and Republicans. Anything that hurts Republicans is fair game, while anything that hurts Democrats is a source of high moral outrage.

The question is: Will cartoonist Ann Telnaes pay any price for such a gross transgression of basic decency?

The irony is that the episode provided a palpable boost to the Cruz campaign, which had an outraged fundraising mailer (“They attacked my children!”) out within hours. I bet they raised at least $1 million off of it.

Here’s Mollie Hemingway with the 10 stupidest things about the monkey cartoon.

Of course, Cruz got the last laugh as well:

And this one is even better:

(Hat tip: Instapundit.)

Tottering Rolling Stone UVA Rape Piece Collapses, Burns Down, And Sinks Into The Swamp

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Now the Washington Post has done a follow-up to the Rolling Stone UVA rape piece. If the first Washington Post piece “raised questions” about the story, this one absolutely demolishes it.

Read the whole thing.

Remember When the MSM Used To Pretend They Weren’t Democratic Party Shills?

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Yeah, they’re not even trying to hide it any more.

Short summary: Republican staffer Elizabeth Luten making unflattering remarks about the clothing of Obama’s daughters is such an outrage that not only was she fired, but two network news vans camped outside of her parents’ home and ” the Washington Post ran eleven separate stories (and counting) on her, and even “took a ‘foreign affairs’ reporter and put him on the investigation of Lauten.”

Meanwhile, Democratic Congressional staffer Donny Ray Williams, Jr., just plead guilty to rape and the Washington Post thought it worthy of…one article on the original charge, and one on him pleading guilty. Williams “worked for panels chaired by Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.) and Mary Landrieu (D-La.). He also said he worked for Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wis.), Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.).”

Because making a mildly critical comment about the President’s daughters’ clothes is so much more important than a congressional staffer pleading guilty to rape.

Washington Post “Fact-Checks” An SNL Skit

Monday, November 24th, 2014

You know that Saturday Night Live Schoolhouse Rock parody I put up yesterday?

The Washington Post actually put up fact-checking piece on it.

Hey, remember all those times the Washington Post fact-checked SNL skits of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin?

Me neither.

Twitchy had a field day.

Other important Washington Post fact-checks:

The lengths to which Obama’s media praetorian guard will go to protect him are officially beyond parody.

LinkSwarm for March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31st, 2014

Before the LinkSwarm itself, an observation: On the drive home from Houston to Austin this weekend, I saw a Prius with a “Repeal ObamaCare” sticker. Truly the tide has turned…

  • So today is the latest drop dead day to sign up for ObamaCare. Guess what website is down?
  • How AP frames questions: “Do you want your Reps to make ObamaCare work, or to let children die?”
  • Court case to determine whether Obama can rewrite laws at his whim or not.
  • “A core competency of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is issuing false assurances.”
  • ObamaCare wastes wastes $2 trillion over 10 years to fail to insure the uninsured.
  • How Obama’s pro-illegal alien policies released 68,000 criminals onto the street.
  • CNN decides that California’s third-ranking Democratic state Senator and gun control advocate being busted on federal arms trafficking charges just isn’t news.
  • Obama’s foreign policy: Neither Hawkish nor Dovish, but rather manifestly incompetent.
  • Top Ten Things Putin Said to Obama about Ukraine.
  • One reason for the liberal contempt on guns: They’re losing and they know it.
  • And when liberals want to have a “conversation” on gun control, what they really mean is “let us shame you into rolling over and giving up your rights.” Then they wonder why they keep losing. “After Newtown, many gun-control advocates tried to shame rather than persuade, as if the ‘correct’ position was obvious to everyone save retrograde idiots. On guns, that strategy has never worked.”
  • Malcolm Gladwell’s discussion of the Branch Davidian siege makes the ATF sound even more clueless and incompetent.
  • There are some majors and colleges that bring negative financial returns.
  • This just in: Jeffrey Toobin is a lying tool. (Related.)
  • Scott Walker is crushing Mary Burke in fundraising.
  • How the Washington Post and Robert Reich lie about the Koch Brothers.
  • But despite all the liberal talking points, Harry Reid is still less popular than the Koch brothers.
  • Global Warming alarmists push for greater dialog with skeptics. Ha, just kidding! They want them arrested.
  • How an editor at Ebony picks fights with black conservatives to help prop up the magazine’s ambulatory corpse.
  • Erick Erickson reviews Noah. I think the movie the movie may have strayed a little from its Biblical source, especially in the light-saber fight in the strip club after the car chase…
  • Proof that Kayne West is a vampire.
  • LinkSwarm for August 6, 2013

    Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

    Still catching up, so enjoy your complimentary LinkSwarm and beverage (minus the beverage):

  • No, the IRS did not target liberal groups like they targeted conservatives.
  • The scary truth about state and local debt.
  • The U.S. government has $70 trillion in unfunded liabilities. I don’t happen to agree with everything in that assessment (a situation in which the FDIC would actually have to make good on all $7 trillion in deposit guarantees would pretty much be tantamount to the complete collapse of civilization), but the rest is scary enough.
  • Powerline’s John Hindraker wonders what the Benghazi cover-up is really about. I still think the secret CIA interrogation center that David Petraeus’ mistress Paula Broadwell claims was there is a strong possibility.
  • Thanks to ObamaCare, insurance premiums will increase in most states.
  • How liberals managed to turn wealthy Connecticut into just another broke Blue State.
  • Obama’s Nixonian scandals just keep churning.
  • The Black Hole in China’s shadow banks
  • Washington Post to be sold to Jeff Bezos. But he wasn’t stupid enough to take over existing pension liabilities. Bezos seems to be a liberal, but isn’t an overly active donor for a billionaire.
  • “Coming this fall on Cinemax: Leathers and Slutbag! They both got nailed by the same slimeball, and now they’re out for justice! Democratic politician not paying you your promised hush money? Call Leathers & Slutbag!”
  • Tawana Brawley finally starts paying for her 1987 rape hoax.
  • Liberal race-hustler Rep. Charlie Rangel takes time out of his busy schedule of defrauding the American taxpayer to suggest Tea Partiers are the “same group” who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement. Hey, Rep. Rangel, you know what the name of the group that fought for segregation was? The Democratic Party.
  • Attorney general Greg Abbott nails Texas Planned Parenthood for Medicaid fraud In fact, it was $4.3 million worth of fraud. More from Holly Hansen.
  • More show trails in Turkey.
  • Advocates of “green” energy cronyism seem to have found some Tea Party patsies.
  • On the differences between Austin and Texas.
  • Ace of Spades offers up an epic takedown of movie critic Andrew O’Hehir. “The man masturbates stupid and ejaculates embarrassment.”
  • And then does the same on Amanda Marcotte’s theory that men men hate sex and only use it to procreate.
  • Liberals get firebrand Twitter Gulag Defense Network founder Todd Kincannon’s Twitter account suspended. For all of two days.

  • Heh:
  • Newsweek To Start Pining for the Fjords

    Thursday, October 18th, 2012

    Today Newsweek announced that they were ceasing print publication and going all digital. For a national general-interest weekly news-magazine, that’s tantamount to saying that you’re dead but you don’t feel like lying down just yet.

    Back in 2009, you may remember Newsweek‘s decision to remake itself as a liberal opinion weekly, an odd financial choice in a country where conservatives outnumber liberals nearly 2-to-1. Since then Newsweek has managed the amazing feat of hemorrhaging readers faster than other print publications. Then the Washington Post company decided to sell the venerable newsweekly to Sidney Harman for $1, screwing its shareholders but keeping the magazine’s money-losing liberal slant under Tina Brown’s editorship. Hired to steer the ship around the iceberg, Brown instead decided to teach the iceberg who’s boss by ramming it a few more times.

    Vast swathes of legacy print media are in trouble in the Internet-era, but Newsweek‘s demise is more like an assisted suicide than a graceful decline. It’s like a Type II diabetic who had already lost three toes deciding to immediately go on a diet consisting entirely of ice cream.

    Newsweek had a choice between being profitable and being liberal, and they chose liberal.

    Romney-Obama Debate Roundup Part 2

    Thursday, October 4th, 2012

    More Romney-Obama debate reactions:

  • Larry Kudlow: “Mitt Romney politely cleaned Barack Obama’s clock tonight. A lethargic and at times tired looking President Obama was out-hustled, out-facted, out-energized, and out-informed by Former Governor Mitt Romney.”
  • The Daily Caller has more liberal Schadenfreude.
  • And Jim Treacher has still more. “I’m glad the Greatest President Ever spent so much time stressing the importance of education, because he just got schooled.”
  • The Washington Post called Romney “well prepared and aggressive.”
  • Romney didn’t just embarrass Obama last night, he embarrassed the media as well.
  • NRO writer Michael Knox Beran compares Romney’s debate performance to Napoleon at Austerlitz.
  • The ObamaCare death panels are now back in the discussion.
  • Final proof Romney absolutely stomped Obama? The New York Times called the Denver debate “unhelpful.”
  • Obama: the human smirk.