Hi Ho Silver, Away to the Moon!

Evidently the WallStreetBets crowd that carried out the Great GameStop Short Squeeze have decided that silver is their next target for making money:

Silver Bullion Market is one of the most manipulated on earth. Any short squeeze in silver paper shorts would be EPIC. We know billion banks are manipulating gold and silver to cover real inflation. Both the industrial case and monetary case, debt printing has never been more favorable for the No. 1 inflation hedge Silver.

Inflation adjusted Silver should be at 1000$ instead of 25$.

Signs that the silver market was about to get hit by a GameStop-style short squeeze emerged Wednesday.

That’s when comments began appearing on the Reddit forum r/wallstreetbets — the investor board now famous for tripling the video game company’s shares this week. People started egging each other on to pile into silver’s largest exchange-traded product. Banks have been keeping silver prices artificially low, they said, masking an actual shortfall of supplies. Help put an end to “THE BIGGEST SHORT SQUEEZE IN THE WORLD,” one poster said.

To say there was a strategy would be overstating things. At about 8:30 a.m. New York time on Thursday, day traders bent on teaching some banks a lesson began flooding iShares Silver Trust. Their buying drove up prices of the underlying metal by as much as 6.8%, the most since August. And just like that, an ETF became the Trojan horse that helped the Reddit hoards break through the gates of the commodities world for the first time since they began upending equities.

It rippled across the entire silver complex. Miners of the metal rallied. Futures gained. A record 3.1 million iShares Silver Trust options contracts traded. The volatility was unlike anything James Gavilan, a commodities market consultant with over two decades of experience in precious metals, had ever seen.

It was “mind-boggling, breath-taking, it’s shocking really,” he said as prices continued to rise further.

Another sign that they’re having a real effect is yesterday’s email missive from gold and silver dealer APMEX:

In the last week, we have seen a dramatic shift in Silver demand from our customers. For example, the ratio of ounces sold per day was running about two times earlier in the week and closer to four times the average demand by the end of the week. Once markets closed on Friday, we saw demand hit as much as six times a typical business day and more than 12 times a normal weekend day. Combined with the extremely high demand levels, we are also seeing a surge in new customers. On Saturday alone, we added as many new customers as we usually add in a week.

This morning spot silver is up over $30 an ounce, various stock brokers are evidently breaking down on the volume, and physical silver rounds are sold out at various silver dealers, even at $6 over spot (which is nuts).

Another sign that the effect is real is that silver is rising but gold remains flat, an unusual circumstance that never seems to hold long for precious metals whose prices have historically risen and fallen together.

Silver has always been populism’s precious metal of choice, with the bimetallist “Free Silver” movement of the late 19th century culminating the William Jennings Bryant’s famous “Cross of Gold” speech in 1896.

Unlike GameStop stock, I actually own physical silver as an emergency hedge against hyperinflation, so the Reddit raiders already made me a little money. And there’s more than a grain of truth to inflation being higher than government indexes are letting on, largely thanks to the huge liquidity the Federal Reserve and other central banks have pumped into the world economy. I do think it is prudent for anyone with sufficient capital (i.e., you’ve paid off your car and credit card debts and have, at an absolutely bare minimum, three months of living expenses in the bank) to keep a certain amount of physical gold and silver in a secure location (and I suspect at least half of you are immediately going to think “gun safe”) you can easily access, just in case.

But color me skeptical that not only can they get silver up to $1,000 an ounce (barring a runaway hyperinflation takeoff), but that they can have any long-term effect on the market. Tangible commodities are fundamentally different than shorted stocks. A big rise in the price of silver would trigger the reopening of dozens of currently shuttered silver minds around the world to meet demand.

Silver is a truly global commodity in a way that GameStop stock is not. I am skeptical that the WallStreetBets crowd has an adequate grasp of the size of the global silver options picture. Traders in Tashkent and Singapore probably never heard about GameStop until this year, but they’ve watched the rise and fall of silver prices for a long, long time.

I’m old enough to remember that there have been several rounds of apocalyptic bullion hype over the years. My father lost quite a bit of money betting on gold futures in the early 1980s, sure than inflation would continue to rise, but instead Paul Volker and Ronald Reagan managed to kill it dead.

This was about the same time the Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market. Silver started 1979 around $6 an ounce, and briefly peaked above $49 in January of 1980. By June of 1981 Silver was back to trading in single digits, and the Hunt brothers lost their shirts. (There are some parallels with the GameStop squeeze, namely that the Hunt brothers were doing a lot of their buying using options and credits, like some (but not all) of the WallStreetBets crowd.)

The bullion market also has a way of defying your expectations. I was sure that the subprime meltdown in 2008 would send gold and silver soaring. Gold jumped in September, then settled back down below it’s September rates before ending up modestly up for the year. Silver actually ended the year down.

The world economy is an enormously complex organism. You can temporarily jolt some parts of it, but then other parts compensate. Rising and falling prices are timing signals that constantly shift money around to make sure supply meets demand. Investing in silver means opportunity cost in not investing in index funds, Apple stock, or even Dogecoin (way up for the year, but down off last week’s peaks).

By all means, hold gold and silver as a hedge against inflation. But don’t bet the farm on silver hitting that moonshot target of $1000 an ounce anytime soon.

Edited to add: Read the comments. A lot of people are saying this is jamming from the hedge fund backers to take the pressure off GameStop and AMC, and not an organic push for silver from the WallStreetBets core crowd.

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15 Responses to “Hi Ho Silver, Away to the Moon!”

  1. Mordineus says:

    Don’t know how much you follow the Reddit WallStreetBets group, but it looks like this is not their doing so much as the guys on the other side of the GME play. Ie: Citadel and friends are doing this to A) distract and pull money that might otherwise go to GME, and B) pump up the price of silver as they hold a whole lot of associated holdings and they need the cash.
    The fact that every single news outlet came out about the same time with the same story, when meanwhile in the ACTUAL subreddit everyone was saying “Don’t buy silver!” is kinda crazy.

  2. Thomas Miller says:

    I’m not convinced that physical silver would be all that useful in a (temporary, one hopes!) barter economy. If I were hoarding against runaway inflation, I would stock up on liquor and long-term storage food for trading.
    On the other hand, an equity position in silver stocks might be worthwhile. Ultimately, I’m keeping a large investment in total US equities as the best bet to survive a hyperinflation.

  3. PETER ENNS says:

    Please read your first comment and update your post accordingly.

  4. Howard says:

    Wow. Lots of finance sites are out and out lying. A glance at the top threads over the past 24h shows they’re not on to silver, and still holding game stop etc.


    A buddy tells me the hedgies are using an army of bot accounts to astroturf the subreddit and give the impression that the users are going after silver.

  5. Taco Lizard says:

    Lol….has anyone told the hoards that the largest single holder of physical silver bullion on the planet is Chase bank?
    Secondly, almost unlimited amounts of silver can be brought to market from the large Mexican silver mines in less than three months after production ramps up.
    Silver is also an industrial metal, so there are lots of govermental and pivate stockpiles, waiting up for war time demand/manufacturing.

    In other words…. it is not a scarce commodity.

    So If you own between one and three thousand ounces of physical
    silver bullion, sit very tight and pass the popcorn.

  6. […] BattleSwarm Blog: Hi Ho Silver, Away to the Moon! Evidently the WallStreetBets crowd that carried out the Great GameSt… […]

  7. Bill d says:

    And who knows how much silver would be found in closets and dresser drawers if the price got high enough?

  8. gman says:

    “I’m not convinced that physical silver would be all that useful in a (temporary, one hopes!) barter economy”

    grid down, it wouldn’t be. but you’ll get banned off of various prepper/entertainment blogs for pointing that out – lots of people think they’re going to be silver kings in the aftermath, and they don’t like anyone popping that bubble.

    “If I were hoarding against runaway inflation, I would stock up on liquor”

    that will be much more in demand.

  9. Alex Mintz says:

    “If I were hoarding against runaway inflation, I would stock up on liquor”
    Liquor, food and don’t forget, AMMO. If TSHTF ammo will be a valuable commodity.

  10. gman says:

    “If TSHTF ammo will be a valuable commodity”

    valuable for use, not for trade. in an environment where people are getting really hungry you don’t want to be handing out ammo to people who don’t have it.

  11. Above-ground silver is very scarce, precisely because it’s an industrial metal and it gets used after it’s mined. There’s more gold above ground than silver. Below ground the ratio of course favors silver. In a few days, there won’t be any retail silver available, and warehoused 1000-ounce bars will be sent to mints to produce one-ounce rounds and ten-ounce bars.

    Taking on the shorts in the paper silver market will be a much heavier lift, however. The spot price is manipulated not just by shorts but by insanely strict limits imposed by regulators.

  12. Tim McDonald says:

    You want to know what silver is worth? Buy some actual silver. It is going for about 50 USD retail on competitive sites, meaning the wholesale price should be 40 USD.

  13. Howard says:

    I’m not convinced that physical silver would be all that useful in a (temporary, one hopes!) barter economy. If I were hoarding against runaway inflation, I would stock up on liquor and long-term storage food for trading.

    Agreed. Dave Ramsey once said, New Orleans in 2005 was a barter economy. Gold was worthless, but if you had a few cases of water or gallons of gasoline, you could ask for darn near anything.

    If we’re talking long-term needs, stock up on lead. Only for defense, never for offense.

  14. […] Attacking so fast they won't know what hit them… « Hi Ho Silver, Away to the Moon! […]

  15. […] Save The NFL? also, “In Cuba, Our Parents’ Generation Is Collapsing” BattleSwarm: Hi Ho Silver, Away To The Moon! also, Followup – Is The Silver Squeeze A Ruse? Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted […]

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